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Apply for ATHENA's European Master EMINENT

EMINENTATHENA’s new Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme EMINENT (European Master on Embedded Intelligence Nanosystems Engineering) is now open for application. Four ATHENA universities, the University of Siegen, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the University of Orléans, and VILNIUS TECH collaborate in this joint degree programme together with the NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal). 


EMINENT is a joint Master's programme that prepares future talent to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and fully utilise embedded intelligence components and systems. The programme provides advanced training ranging from nanoscale device and material production, including advanced sensor and machine-learning components, through macroscale intelligent systems and IoT networked devices in the areas of information, sensing, and energy.

The programme's structure spans two years, with the first year dedicated to foundational studies at the Hellenic Mediterranean University (first semester) and the University of Siegen (second semester). Here, students delve into functional materials and sensors, devices, and embedded systems, laying a solid groundwork for their chosen specialisation. During the second year, students pursue their chosen specialisation track at the institution offering the corresponding expertise. With five specialisation tracks available, students have the flexibility to tailor their learning journey to align with their career aspirations.

  • Functional Materials with Optoelectronic Properties (Hellenic Mediterranean University)
  • Embedded Intelligent Sensorics (University of Siegen)
  • Natural Materials and Biosensors (NOVA University Lisbon)
  • Internet of Things (University of Orléans)
  • Sensor Systems and Data Processing (VILNIUS TECH)

EMINENT is co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the University of Siegen. Accredited by AQAS, it upholds the highest standards of quality in higher education.

Apply for EMINENT

Students are encouraged to submit their applications until 31 March 2024. Students form the Schengen area, exempt from Visa requirements, can apply until 12 April 2024. A selection committee will evaluate all submissions, ensuring the intake of the most promising candidates who will embark on their educational jounrey in early October 2024. Applicants to the EMINENT programme are automatically considered to receive a scholarship. The scholarships have a duration of up to two years and encompass travel and living expenses through a monthly payment of €1,400.

Click here to apply for ATHENA's European Master's programme EMINENT

What are Erasmus Mundus Master’s programmes?

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are prestigious international Master’s degrees that are planned and delivered collaboratively by several European higher education institutions. They involve at least three institutions from three different countries, as well as numerous connected partners from the academic and non-academic worlds. They typically comprise periods of study, research, traineeship, thesis preparation, and defense.

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