Online Language Café
Hallo und willkommen!
At the Language Café, you can practice your German, English, French, Italian or Portuguese language skills in a relaxed atmosphere and get to know different cultures and people at the same time. Together with fellow students from Siegen and the ATHENA network, you can exchange views on cultural or regional topics, university, personal things etc. and play some fun games. The team from the Language Café (native speakers of the different languages) coordinates and supports every session and helps to overcome initial inhibitions.
Which languages can I speak there?
The Language Café is open to speakers of all kind of languages. However, we encourage you to choose one of the following languages as the support of a native speaker can then be guaranteed:
- German (for non-native speakers)
- English
Other languages:
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Etc.
You should have some basic knowledge of the language you would like to speak during the session. However, the team of Language Center is happy to help you out when words or phrases are missing. Of course, you can opt for another language in the next session.
When does it take place?
Every Wednesday from 6 – 8 pm CET via Zoom.
How can I register?
As places are limited to 20 participants per session, please register in advance.
Students of the University of Siegen: Register via the Moodle course "Language Center: Online Language Café" (self-enrollment with password: Kaffee). Please also register via the scheduler.
As an external Athena student: Register by email at (at least two days in advance) indicating the language you would like to speak during the café. You will receive the Zoom link and password in the reply.
For more information, please visit the Language Center website , write an email to, or take a look at the Language Café Flyer.