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Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Mende





E-Mail: matthias.mende@uni-siegen.de

Adresse: Hölderlinstr. 3, 57076 Siegen

Raum: H-F 121

Telefon: +49(0)271/740-4176

Webseite: http://www.iwmnet.eu



2000 - 2002

DIMAS Digital Manufacturing Services GmbH Siegen
Optimization of robot workcells in production lines for Linde&Wiemann and Mercedes-Benz Trucks

Seit 2003
Active in the field of material flow simulation, workcell simulation and optimization,
Simulation of conveyor systems (BMW, Daimler-Chrysler and Airbus), Development of a standard module system for simplified simulation of production lines for soldering and mounting of electronic components (VDO Villingen-Schwenningen), Design of robot workcells for Mercedes Benz (NCV2, BR221) and Opel (A3300)
2003 - 2006

Trainer, European Delmia Training Center Siegen
Planning and implementation of industrial training courses for Delmia Simulation Products (IGRIP, ERGO and QUEST)

Research Assistant, University of Siegen (Chair of Automatic Control Engineering)
Responsible for Robotics/Workcell and Material Flow Simulation, Workcell design and simulation in several industrial projects (VDO, BMW, Opel, Mercedes-Benz, Airbus), Design of components for ROPSUS (Roboter Offline Programmiersystem der Universität Siegen) robot simulation system

2006 - 2009
Project Officer, University of Siegen
Administration and controlling of EU ASIA-LINK project „Establishment of a master course in Environmental Engineering and Management at the National University of Laos (E2M)”
seit 2009
Financial Ressources Manager, Center for International Capacity Development (CICD), Siegen       
Controlling and financial resources management of EuropeAid ACP-EU Water Facility project “Capacity Building for Integrated Watershed Management in Eastern Africa (IWMNET)”, EuropeAid ACP-EU Edulink project "University Capacity Development for Integrated Sanitation Management in Eastern and Southern Africa (UCDISM)" and Europe-Aid LA_EU ALFAIII project “Capacity development in Water engineering and Environmental Management (CapWEM)”
seit 2010
Lecturer, University Siegen
Lectureship for Measurement Engineering
 Forschung und Publikationen 
Mende, M., Rühl, M., Fedrowitz, H.C., Severin, S., „Intelligente Standardmodule zum Simulationswerkzeug Quest helfen bei der Optimierung komplexer Montagesysteme“, Sim Forum Steyr, Linz 2005
Mende, M., Fedrowitz, H.C., „Intelligent Standardized Modules Simplify the Simulation of Production Lines for Electronic Components with QuestTM”, European Delmia User Conference, Fellbach 2006