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Practice Zambia

„Corporate Graduate Link Programme“


DAAD   -   2012 – 2014




Final meeting Corporate Graduate Link Program in Lusaka, with German Ambassador to Zambia (above on the right side)


From 2012 to 2014, the ZEW / CICD of the University of Siegen together with the University of Zambia and the Copperbelt University in Zambia carried out the project "Corporate Graduate Link Program" within the framework of the DAAD "Practice Partnership Program", which was promoted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

In addition to the University of Siegen and the two Zambian universities, the cooperation project involved the IHK Bodensee-Oberschwaben, the IGM Geophysik GmbH from Überlingen, the Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investments Holdings and the Konkola Copper Mines in Zambia.

Together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bodensee-Oberschwaben (IHK), the Zambian Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) as well as companies from Zambia and Germany, better networking between chambers of commerce, companies and universities both in Zambia and between Germany and Zambia was sought. With the end of the project at the end of 2014, the participants drew a positive balance sheet.

Existing postgraduate programs at the two Zambian universities were revised together with representatives of the chambers of commerce and industry and enriched with practical elements such as internships. Representatives of the industry formulated the respective needs or expectations, which they put to university graduates. For the universities, new research potential emerged in the discussion. According to the growing demands of the Zambian industry, new degrees were proposed to the Senate of the University of Zambia.



Information point at the Zambian Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry 


A web-based platform was developed and installed at the University of Zambia to connect companies in Zambia with internships, students and their institutes with their respective research tasks. The Zambian Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry has set up a nationwide information point with project support to convey the supply and demand of internships or also research collaborations.


Kupfermine 1

Visit to a copper mine in northern Zambia


In Zambia as well as in Germany, industrial partners were identified on which extra occupational internships were carried out. From 2012 to 2014, a total of 13 Zambian students and doctoral candidates completed internships in German companies. The motivations of the host companies were various. From energy supply through mining to agriculture, companies were looking for contacts for market access in Zambia. Others used the project to gain experience of employing foreign workers. In view of the long-term high demand for engineers in the Bodensee-Oberschwaben region, a rewarding commitment. The companies reported that the trainees were fully qualified and performed excellently. Most difficult, however, was the involvement of new colleagues in the foreign, German everyday life. Any company that is interested in working with Zambian partners will now have access to businesses and universities through the established network.