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How to improve your job application

How to improve your job application

The best way to take advantage of given opportunities

Freitag, 08.07.16
10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr
Capus Hölderlinstraße
Raum: H-C 3310    

Referenten: Marcellus Menke and Sofia Magaliou
Sending a CV to an employer is the first step in getting any job or internship. This Training helps you through the English and American application process by providing you with information what employers are looking for in applications. The trainers give you advice in how to present yourself effectively in your written application and how to be successful in the job interview.
The course language is English.

Bitte melden Sie sich zu dieser Veranstaltung über das LSF an. Die Plätze werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Anmeldung vergeben. Die Anmeldung ist verbindlich.