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Publications and talks


    5.02.2013 "Dirichlet forms on non self-similar sets: Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket".

    at Mathematisches Kolloquium University of Bremen

    5.02.2013 "Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket: geometric and analytic convergence".

    at University of Connecticut

    10.12.2012 "Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket: geometric and analytic convergence".

    at "Analysis on fractals and related topics", Chinese University of Hong Kong

    19.07.2012 "Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket".

    at "Mini-Worshop on Dirichlet forms, Riemannian structures and Spectral analysis on fractals", Siegen University


P. Alonso-Ruiz and U.R. Freiberg, Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket, Int. J. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, Nr.4 Vol.3 : 251-268, 2012.

P. Alonso-Ruiz and U.R. Freiberg, Dirichlet forms on Hanoi attractors, (to appear in IJANS, 2013).

P. Alonso-Ruiz, Dirichlet forms on non self-similar sets: Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket, June 2013, University of Siegen.

P. Alonso-Ruiz and U.R. Freiberg, From Hanoi graphs to Sierpinski gasket - analytic convergence, (preprint).

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