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Praktikum an einer Sprachenschule in Irland


General information

Duration: 4 months
Commitment: Full-time

Interning as an administrative assistant at Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre would include being in charge of the social activity program for the school and going around to the classes to give information to students. It would also be one of your jobs to prepare documents and information for students both arriving and departing i.e. writing certificates, filing registration forms, taking out leavers, updating arrival lists and preparing welcome packages for new students.

Apart from those weekly duties, other additional jobs may be given to you throughout the internship.

As an intern, you would work approximately 30 hours per week Monday to Friday. We are looking for someone who would be available for 4-6 months.

No financial compensation
Further Information: http://erasmusintern.org/traineeship/administrative-assistant-6

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