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Lectures and seminars in English

Lectures and seminars in English summer semester 2023

"Developing Social Services and Community Health Care in rural Ghanian Districts"  (Monday 10 am-12 pm), lecturer: Dr. Paul Anderson

"Beyond Classical Music: Diversity in Socio-Cultural Practices"  (block seminar 10th, 11th, 24th and 25th of November 2023), lecturer:     Dr. Elise Gayraud

 "Reflexive Theorie-Praxis-Kopplung (Mentoring) - Diskurs Inklusion Exklusion" (Tuesday 2-4 pm), lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Buchmann, Dr. des. Jan Breuer   

Please note that you must register for this course in advance within the registration deadline. Contact information for the lecturer(s) can be found in Unisono.

For any questions regarding the content of the seminar, please contact the lecturer. For administrative questions, please contact Dr. Josephine Krüger.

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