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The Conference

At the heart of the project is the international conference taking place in Siegen from October 15 to October 18, 2014. This conference is open to the public: Everyone interested in the history of colonialism and decolonisation and how to teach these topics from a European perspective is welcome. Experts in the history of colonialism and decolonisation from the partner countries will introduce recent research questions and present new sources. In workshops, teaching suggestions will be presented and discussed. A European perspective, already present in the choice of sources, will become very tangible in the nationally mixed work groups and offers opportunities for considering a “histoire croisée” of intertwining colonial pasts.

The results of the project will be a starting point for publications within the project’s framework: a multi-lingual printed volume containing scholarly introductions, new sources and suggestions for using the materials in history lessons, as well as digital modules available on the project’s website to be used in history lessons across national borders.

Conference programme and registration

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