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HiPEAC 2014, May 15th, 2014 | Barcelona, Spain

Thematic Session on Challenges in Mixed Criticality and Real-time and Reliability in Networked Complex Embedded Systems

Motivation and Objectives

The area of applications of mixed-criticality in networked complex embedded systems has been receiving increasing interest in the international research community, industry, funding agencies and policy makers. As a new field, understanding of applications and coverage of research topics have not been fully understood or identified, leaving significant gaps and establishing islands of research.
Real-time designs are increasingly faced with the challenge of ensuring performance guarantees in the presence of stochastic events that lead to failures. At the same time the traditional models and techniques used to provide fault tolerance are aimed to ensure high average performance and, therefore, are inadequate for adaptation in real-time designs. One of the main aims of this session is to increase awareness about the intertwining challenges in the areas of Real-Time and Reliability.

The workshop aims to

  • Bring together representatives from related initiatives (EU FP7 projects: DREAMS, PROXIMA)
  • Establish relevant application areas and their specific demands, state-of-the-art, and research challenges
  • Provide special focus on understanding specific challenges from related application domains to, e.g., identify what these criticalities actually are and which problems should be solved


