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Advanced Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 2016, June 14th, 2016 | Brussels, Belgium

The workshop was held on Tuesday 14 June from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bedford hotel in Brussels back to back with the Smart Anything Everywhere 2016 Event. It was organized by HiPEAC (http://www.hipeac.net/) in collaboration with the European Commission.

This Collaboration workshop brought together the "Cyber-Physical Systems", "Advanced Computing" and the “Mixed Criticality Systems" project clusters financed by the European Commission under FP7 ICT Call 10 (2013), H2020 ICT Call 1 (2014) and Call 4 (2015).

The workshop was held on Tuesday 14 June from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bedford hotel in Brussels back to back with the Smart Anything Everywhere 2016 Event. It was organized by HiPEAC (http://www.hipeac.net/) in collaboration with the European Commission.

More information is available: https://www.smartanythingeverywhere.eu/2016/04/29/advanced-computing-and-cyber-physical-systems-2016