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Di. 16.07.2024, Oberseminar Algebra

Thema: Applied Category Theory as Philosophy. Referent: Prof. Dr. David Corfield (University of Kent) Raum: ENC-D 201, Zeit: 10:15 Uhr s.t.

Oberseminar Algebra

Applied Category Theory as Philosophy.

Dienstag, den 16.07.2024, um 10:15 Uhr s.t. im Raum ENC-D 201.

Referent: Prof. Dr. David Corfield
  (University of Kent)


From the 2010's onwards, there has been an explosion of applications of category theory in the field of Artificial Intelligence, in areas such as reasoning, learning, modelling, statistics, natural language processing, and robotics. In the process of working out their ideas, researchers are finding precursors in the philosophical literature. In this talk, I shall be examining Applied Category Theory as a development of philosophy.


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