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Do. 10.07.2014, Kolloquium

Thema: On the democratic weights of nations, Referent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel (Universität Bayreuth), Zeit: 14:15 Uhr, Raum: ENC D-120.

Mathematisches Kolloquium 

Donnerstag, den 10.07.2014, 14:15 Uhr,  Raum  ENC D-120


Thema: On the democratic weights of nations

Referent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel (Universität Bayreuth)

Abstract:  Which voting weights ought to be allocated to single delegates of differently sized groups from a democratic fairness perspective? We operationalize the ?one person, one vote? principle by demanding every individual?s influence on collective decisions to be equal a priori. The analysis differs from previous ones by considering intervals of alternatives. New reasons lead to an old conclusion: weights should be proportional to the square root of constituency sizes if voter preferences are independent and identically distributed. This is knife-edge, however, in that preference polarization along constituency lines quickly calls for a Shapley value-based variation of simple proportionality.

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