Sie haben Fragen/Wünsche zum Programm oder sind sich nicht sicher, welches Workshopangebot das Richtige für Sie ist?
Kommen Sie vorbei oder rufen Sie mich an, ich berate Sie gerne!
Dr.' Rebecca Weber
Referentin für geschlechtergerechte Karriereentwicklung
Raum: AR-K 211
Fon: 0271-740 3974
Geschlechtergerechte Karriereentwicklung
Gebäude AR-K 211
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57076 Siegen
Dr.' Rebecca Weber
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974
Dr.' Inga Haase
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3973
Participation and Cost
The Women Career Service is offered to all female members of the University of Siegen. Participation by external persons is possible upon request, provided that there are remaining places available.
To register for the workshops, please use our registration form: here.
Contribution to material costs for workshops
| The material costs refer to one workshop day. For workshops with several event days, the costs increase accordingly. |
Additional payment for individual coachings sessions
Up to 2 individual coaching appointments per year (1x per semester) can be booked as part of Women Career Service. An additional payment is due per appointment. If further coaching appointments are desired, these can be arranged individually with the coach.
Scholarship holders, research assistants, technical and administrative staff | 40 € |
(Junior) femal professors | 50 € |
For childcare options during events, please contact: