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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags


Notice: Online talk about DFG funding opportunities for postdocs on 9 November 2021

Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship

(2 November 2021) Join the online talk and get to know the DFG and its funding portfolio for postdocs in Germany. A quick overview will be given about the Walter Benjamin, the Emmy Noether and the Heisenberg Programme, as well as the Individual Research Grant with a temporary position for principal investigators. Advice will also be provided on how to prepare your proposal and what happens once you submit it to the DFG.

Interested current doctoral and postdoctoral researchers are warmly welcomed to participate. The event will be in English.

When? On 9 November 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30.

Where? Online via Webex. Registration here.

Diesen Artikel auf deutsch lesen.

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags