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Insurance 860x280

 Students are required to provide evidence of sufficient health insurance coverage to register at the University of Siegen as health insurance is mandatory in Germany.. This also applies to international degree students as well as exchange and short-term students.

Please note:

All students (regardless of whether you are already insured or not, whether you are privately insured or exempt!!) must contact a statutory health insurance company (e.g. AOK, Barmer, TK...) before enrolling. The insurance company will then check your insurance status and report this electronically to the university. Only then you can enroll!
Therefore, please inform the health insurance company at which university you will enroll.

The health insurance is provided by two different systems: statutory health insurance and substitutive private health insurance.

Statutory Health Insurance 

In Germany all students are required to have statutory health insurance. Statutory health insurance coverage is offered for students who have not reached the age of 30. The monthly cost amount to approx. EUR 105.

Age Restrictions
Students who are over the age of 29 when starting their studies can only obtain private insurance.
Students who reach the age of 30 during their studies can maintain their statutory health insurance, but at a higher rate.

DSH German Language Course Participants
Students participating in the DSH German Language course before they start their degree-studies need a private health insurance coverage.

Start of Insurance Coverage
The coverage begins no earlier than the first day of the semester. The time between arrival and semester start is not covered!

We therefore strongly adivse students who participate in an introductory program (Preparatory Days or Orientation Days, Intensive Language Course) to arrange a travel/international health insurance for the period between the date of arrival and the start of the semester!

Statutory Health Insurance Providers in Siegen and Siegen-Weidenau (list is not exhaustive)
» AOK Nordwest
» Barmer
» Techniker Krankenkasse

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»How to proceed »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Please contact a statuory health insurance company of your choice and ask to be covered. Once you have signed up with a health insurance company, they will notify the university and you can proceed with your enrollment.

Private Health Insurance 

Private health insurance is a substitutional or supplementary health insurance. Private health insurance providers are not required to accept an applicant and the monthly coverage fees are determined by age, gender, physical well-being of the applicant as well as the selected health plan. Contributions may increase over time!

Age Restrictions
Students over the agre of 29 years at the beginning of their studies need a private health insurance coverage.

DSH German Language Course Participants
Students who participate in a DSH German language course before they start their degree studies need a private health insurance coverage.

Exemption from German Statutory Health Insurance

Students who have a private health insurance coverage need to be exempted from German statutory health insurance. The Exemption from Statutory Health Insurance Coverage (Befreiung von der studentischen Krankenversicherungspflicht) can be confirmed by any statutory health insurance provider in Siegen or Siegen-Weidenau.
Please note that the exemption is valid for the entire duration of studies and cannot be revoked!

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» How to proceed »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Please contact a statutory health insurance company. The health insurance company will check if your insurance is sufficient and will automatically report this to the university.
To do this, please send an email to a statutory health insurance company of your choice with the following data:
» Copy of your private insurance
» Copy of your identity card/passport
» Your German address (alternatively your home address)
» Name of the university you are going to study at

International Health Insurance

European Health Insurance Card(EHIC)

Germany has social insurance agreements with member states of the European Union (EU) and countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). Health insurance policies from the respective countries are recognized in Germany. For registration an Exemption from Statutory Health Insurance Coverage is required.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is valid in Germany but it does not guarantee free services. Often only medically necessary healthcare is covered. Please contact your health insurance provider for further information.

»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» How to proceed »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Please note:
An exemption certificate is required for enrollment. For this purpose, please send an email to a statutory health insurance company of your choice with the following data:
» Copy of your EHIC /GHIC/ AT 11
» Copy of your identity card/passport
» Your German address (alternatively your home address)
» Name of the university you are going to study at

We strongly advise international students as well as exchange and short-term students from a non-EU country to arrange a German satutory health insurance for their duration of study. Earliest begin is the first day of the first semester of full-time study.  Information on this can be found under "Statutory health insurance".

Students who participate in an introductory program (Preparatory Days or Orientation Days, Intensive Language Course) should arrange a travel/international health insurance for the period between the date of arrival and the start of the semester!


Visit to the Doctor and Emergency Numbers

If you are ill or need medical advice, you are free to choose a so-called family doctor. Family doctors are general practitioners and first contact for health problems.

General practitioners also issue referrals to specialists for a specific area, if required, such as dermatology, dentistry, or ENT medicine (ear, nose and throat medicine). Please note that without a referral there may be high fees charged for a visit to a specialist!

For cases of emergency, please contact the emergency and accident department of the Kreisklinikum Siegen in Weidenau, the St. Marienkrankenhaus in Siegen or the Diakonie Klinikum Jung Stilling in Siegen or call the emergency numbers.

 Download Emergency Numbers



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