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Participatory pilot study DelpHi-SW



Participatory pilot study DelpHi-SW (Dementia: life- and person-centred help in Siegen-Wittgenstein)




Dementia Care Management, Psychological care research, participatory methods, Intervention development, care at home

Project term:

01/2021 – 06/2022


Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Zukunftsfonds 2019
Advisory board PwD: University of Siegen, Third Mission 2021

Cooperating partners:

Alzheimer Gesellschaft Siegen e.V. (Stefanie Kremer); Caritasverband Siegen-Wittgenstein e. V. (Charlotte Boes, Helene Kretzer); Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen Standort Rostock/Greifswald, DZNE (Dr. René Thyrian); Gesundheitsregion Siegerland (Anja Herder-Peyrounette, Manuela Kremer); Kreisklinikum Siegen (Markus Bieber, Lorena Böhmer, Prof. Dr. Martin Grond, Dr. Heiko Ullrich); Universität Siegen (Hanna Droß, Prof. Dr. Julia Haberstroh, Lena Rupp, Katja Seidel)

Current state:

Data analysis and publication, transition to the subsequent study "RoutineDeCM" (since July 2022)


Project description: Dementia is one of the main causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide and is visible in the economic, social and, above all, care-related consequences associated with the disease. This is a challenge for society as a whole, which must be mastered in the upcoming years.

Dementia Care Management (DeCM) is an evidence-based method of the National Dementia Strategy to improve the care and quality of life of people with dementia (PwD) and their relatives. The pilot study DelpHi-SW relies on the DelpHi standard, which has already been positively evaluated. Since January 2021, DelpHi-SW has been investigating how a complex DeCM model can be developed and implemented as a model in the existing routine care in Siegen-Wittgenstein, taking into account (a) regional contextual conditions (b) intersectoral application and (c) using participatory methods. In order to create a model of care that equally takes into account the specific regional resources and needs of professional practitioners, PwD and their caregivers, the participatory method of the real laboratory is used in the pilot study. Following this approach, local care experts, PwD and their caregivers are understood as equal co-researchers and are integrated into the pilot study. In the process, the health care experts from the different healthcare sectors will develop a regionally adapted DeCM model by identifying inhibiting and facilitating factors for implementation, in order to test its feasibility and implementability from February 2021 in a pilot phase and in preparation for the subsequent main study. PwDs and their caregivers will be involved in all phases of the study in the form of a newly constituted advisory board PwD.

Audio contribution (in German)

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