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Internships at Uppsala Short Film Festival 2024

CALL FOR TRAINEES Uppsala Short Film Festival offers internships August – October 2024. As a trainee you are a part of the team organising the festival that takes place 21-27 October 2024.

The festival has long experience of being the host organisation for trainees from many different countries. As a trainee at the festival you will be part of the staff working at the festival office during the preparations of the festival. You will be assigned an area of responsibility (for instance Ticket Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, etc) which will be the main working area during the internship. You will also be asked to do a variety of work tasks that are shared between the staff at the festival office. The aim with the internship is for the trainee to learn how an international film festival is organised and at the same time being a part of the team creating the festival. Since the internships are not paid, the organizers are primarily looking for trainees that can finance their internship with a scholarship/grant or on their own.   

 It is possible to request Erasmus funding: https://www.uni-siegen.de/outgoing/europe/smp/mobility/?lang=de

For more information please visit the web page: https://shortfilmfestival.com/en/om-festivalen/praktik/

How to apply? Send a personal letter and your resume by email to info@shortfilmfestival.com. Send your application no later than April 19th, but the sooner the better.

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