Courses Taught / Lehrveranstaltungen
University of Siegen (Selection)
- Fables and Word Problems
- Sulpicia's Reception in Early American Poetry
- Ovid's Reception in Early American Poetry
- Word Problems and Literature
- Virgil's Reception in Early American Poetry
- Early American Drama
- Literature, Critical Race Theory, Critical Whiteness Studies
- Theoretical Approaches to the Body (co-taught with Verena Peters)
- Eigteenth- and Nineteenth-Century North American Poetry
- Literature and Science in Nineteenth-Century America
University of Bern
- Exploring the Boundaries of Imagination in North American Short Fiction (BA seminar)
- Comics Studies (BA workshop)
- Tutorials accompanying the Introduction to Literary History and Theory lectures
University of Zürich
- Erzählen in Raten: Comics und Graphic Novels (BA seminar, co-taught with Stephanie Hoppeler and Gabriele Rippl)