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Books, Special Issues

  • Distinctive Styles and Authorship in Alternative Comics. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
  • (ed. with Daniel Stein, Michael A. Chaney) Transnational Graphic Narratives. Special symposium at IJoCA, 2018.
  • (ed. with Thomas Nehrlich, Joanna Nowotny) Reader Superhelden: Theorie – Geschichte – Medien. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2018.
  • (ed. with Julia Straub) American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political. SPELL – Swiss Papers in English Linguistics and Literature 35. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2017.

Articles, Reviews, Essays

  • "The Laughing Mrs. Churchill: Longfellow’s Kavanagh (1849) and the Earliest Anglo-American Mathematics Journals" [under review]
  • “Antebellum Arithmetic and Abolitionist Newspapers.” Readex Report 16.1 (2021). Web.
  • (with Christina Maria Koch, Daniel Stein) "Comics, Graphic Novels, Graphic Memoirs." Behinderung: Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Ed. Susanne Hartwig. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2020. 326-333.
  • "'It[']s a Relief': Aline Kominsky's Verbal Comments on Artistic Style." Closure 6.5 (2020): 85-98. Web.
  • (with Isabel Maurer Queipo) “Graphic Novels." Routledge Handbook to Culture and Media of the Americas, Pt. 1. Ed. Wilfried Raussert, José Carlos Lozano, Giselle Anatol, Corona Berkin, Sebastian Thies. London/New York: Routledge, 2020. 99-109.
  • (with Jan Noël Thon) “The 21st-Century Anglophone Graphic Novel.” New Approaches to the 21st-century Anglophone Novel. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 277-296.
  • “La valse des théorèmes: Essai.” Comics and Abstraction: Narration by Other Means / Bande dessinée et abstraction: un autre récit. Ed. Aarnoud Rommens, Benoît Crucifix, Björn-Olav Dozo, Pablo Turnes. Liège / Bruxelles: Presses universitaires de Liège / La Cinquième Couche, 2019. 389-397.
  • Review of When the Lines Are Not So Clear: The Comics of Hergé. Ed. by Joe Sutliff Sanders. Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society 2.1 (2018): 129-134.
  • (with Daniel Stein) "Long-length Serials in the Golden Age of Comic Strips: Production and Reception." The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel. Ed. Jan Baetens, Hugo Frey, Stephen Tabachnick. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2018. 39-58.
  • “Jazz Between the Lines: Sound Notation, Dances, and Stereotypes in Hergé’s Early Tintin Comics.” European Journal of American Studies 12.4 (2017). Web.
  • (with Jan Noël Thon) “Intermediales Erzählen im Comic.” Handbuch Erzählen. Ed. Martin Huber, Wolf Schmid. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. 485-498.
  • “Visible Hand? Subjectivity and Its Stylistic Markers in Graphic Narratives.” Subjectivity across Media: Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives. Ed. Maike Sarah Reinerth, Jan-Noël Thon. New York: Routledge, 2017. 92-110.
  • “Transatlantic Comics: Tintin and Superman Crossing the Pond.” Handbook of Transatlantic American Studies. Ed. Julia Straub. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2016. 292-309.
  • “Reihung und Reibung: Zur Serialität in Chris Wares Jimmy Corrigan – The Smartest Kid on Earth.” Serialität in Literatur und Medien. Ed. Petra Anders, Michael Staiger. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2016. 156-169.
  • (with Daniel Stein) “Comic-Theorie(n) und Forschungspositionen.” Comics und Graphic Novels: Eine Einführung. Ed. Christian Klein, Julia Abel. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2015. 107-126.
  • “Autobiographische Graphic Novels: Das Beispiel von Alison Bechdels Fun Home.” Autobiographie: Eine interdisziplinäre Gattung zwischen klassischer Tradition und (post-)moderner Variation. Ed. Uwe Baumann, Karl August Neuhausen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013. 532-545.
  • (with Gabriele Rippl) “‘Don’t laugh – this ain’t the funny pages’: Comics und Bildende Kunst (Alain Séchas, Raymond Pettibon).” Interpiktorialität: Theorie und Geschichte der Bild-Bild-Bezüge. Ed. Guido Isekenmeier. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. 261-278.
  • “The ‘Big Picture’ as a Multitude of Fragments: Jason Lutes’s Depiction of Weimar Republic Berlin.” Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads. Ed. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer, Daniel Stein. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. 229-241.
  • “On the Drawing Board: The Many Autobiographical ‘Wedges’ of Alison Bechdel.” American Lives. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 313-326.
  • (with Gabriele Rippl) “Intermediality, Transmediality, and Graphic Narrative.” From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels: Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative. Ed. Daniel Stein, Jan-Noël Thon. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. 191-217.
  • (with Stephanie Hoppeler and Gabriele Rippl) “Intermedialität in Comics: Neil Gaimans The Sandman.” Comics: Zur Geschichte und Theorie eines populärkulturellen Mediums. Ed. Stephan Ditschke, Katerina Kroucheva, Daniel Stein. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2009. 53-79.


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