Conference talks (since 2010)
- Global Englishes Language Teaching - A Symposium. Münster, Germany, 31 May 2023 ("“But I think English is not any more connected to the US or the UK”: A Focus Group Analysis of the Language Attitudes and Ideologies of International Business Students.")
- LANGSCAPE Conference: Dynamics of multilingualism in the digital public space. Siegen, Germany, 27.-29.5. (“Deconstructing learner identities in multilingual, digitalized contexts: A discourse analysis of the hybrid academic practices of international business students.”)
- Anglistentag, Jena, Germany [postponed to 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic], Sektion “English Linguistics, Learners, and the Classroom.” (“Using corpora for task-based ESP writing instruction: An integrated corpus and computer-aided textual analysis of source-based L2 student writing”).
- AILA - The 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, Netherlands [postponed to 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic], Symposium S122: Putting Multimodality to Use – Corpus-based Applications of Multimodality and their Implications for Theory and Methods. (“Multimodality in written academic genres: An integrated corpus and computer-aided textual analysis of image-text relations in ESP student writing”).
- MAG 2019: Metadiscourse in Digital Communication: What has changed? Bergamo, Italy, 27.-29.6. (“A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Textual and Visual Metadiscourse in L2 Disciplinary Student Writing. The Missing Link in Analysing Written Academic Genres?”)
- Specialised Discourse and Multimedia: Linguistic features and translation issues, Lecce, Italy, 14.-16.2. (“Image-Text Relations in the ESP Writing of Business Students: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Meaning-Making in Written Academic Genres.”)
- 13th Teaching and Learning Corpora Conference (TaLC), Cambridge, UK, 18.-21.7. (“Using corpora for task-based ESP writing instruction: The case of source-based business writing.”)
- 11th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF 11), London, UK, 4.-7.7. (“Analysing written academic ELF in the multiliterate setting of a business school: Towards an ELF-informed approach to writing instruction.”)
- 9th Austrian UAS Language Instructors’ Conference, Technikum Wien, Austria, 25.-26.5. (“Writing for a purpose: Developing business students' ability to 'technicalise'.”)
- Language Education across Borders, Graz, Austria, 8.-10.12. (“Crossing boundaries in ESP writing: Corpus-based evidence from academic business English.”)
- Learner Corpus Research, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, 5.10.-7.10. (“Intertextuality in pedagogic genres: Examining the influence of genre- and task-based factors on source-based business writing.”)
- Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, Hong Kong, 1.-3.6. (“ESP writing: Developing business students’ ability to technicalize.”)
- Symposium 10 Jahre ÖGSD Sprachlehr/lernforschung, Wien, Austria, 19.5. (“Zum Erwerb wissenschaftlicher Textkompetenz in der englischen Wirtschaftssprache: Eine korpusgestützte Analyse intertextueller Verfahren zur Herstellung von Technizität in studentischen Texten aus der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.”)
- 6. Internationaler Kongress des Forums wissenschaftliches Schreiben; Konstanz, Germany 10.-11.6. (“Intertextuelle Verfahren zur Herstellung von Technizität in studentischen Texten aus dem Bereich der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.”)
- 12th Teaching and Learning Corpora Conference (TaLC), Gießen, Germany, 20.-23.7. (“The influence of task-based factors on L2 writing assignments – Corpus-based evidence from ESP learner language.”)
- The fifth international conference of CADAAD, Catania, Italy, 5.-7.9. (“Framing the President as an Effective Crisis Manager: A Corpus-based Analysis of Crisis Rhetoric in American Foreign Policy Discourse.”)
- Learner Corpus Research, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 11.-13.9. (“Pronominal self-reference in business student writing: Is writer visibility a matter of language or discipline?”)
- Kongress der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), ‘Angewandte Linguistik in der Lehre - Angewandte Linguistik lehren’, Marburg, Deutschland, 16.9 - 19.9. (“Writing for a purpose: Developing business students' ability to 'technicalise' in specialised discourse.”)
- The fifth international conference of CADAAD, Budapest, Ungarn, 1.9 – 3.9. (“Academic Discourse Analysis (ADA): The Missing Link in the Study of Academic (Writing) Practices.”)
- 10th Teaching and Learning Corpora Conference (TaLC), Warschau, Poland, 11.-14.7. (“Nouns and their patterns in L2 student writing. Implications for the teaching of English for specific academic purposes (ESAP).”)
- The fourth international conference of CADAAD, Braga, Portugal, 4.-6.7. (“Deconstructing the party-political discourses of change. A corpus-based analysis of American presidential rhetoric.”)
- Learner Corpus Research, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 15.-17.9. (“From ‘formulaic sequences’ to conceptual shells: a corpus-based account of the use of constructions in EAP student writing.”)
- The Third Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC III), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14.-16.6. (“Adjectives in Cognitive Grammar – A usage-based Account.”)
- The third international conference of CADAAD, Łódź, Poland, 13.-15.9. (“Deconstructing learner identities in the ESP context – A critical discourse analysis of the language ideologies of international business students.”)
- 43rd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Aberdeen, UK, 9.-11.9. (“Global English in the European classroom? The problems and prospects of English language pedagogy in localized educational settings.”)
- The Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Vienna, Austria, 22.-25.5. (“ELF in the language classroom – The implications of a pluricentric approach to English for designing sustainable pedagogical models in language education.”)
- Who needs languages? Micro and macro perspectives into language education policies, Jyväskylä, Finland, 7.-10.6. (“Contexts, conflicts, and consequences: Critical perspectives on language education policies in an ESP learning environment.”)
- The 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Hertfordshire, UK, 6.-8.7. (“The construal of polysemous adjectives: Corpus-based evidence from sentence schemas and constructions.”)