- [in preparation]: “Un/packing knowledge in ESP writing: An integrated corpus and qualitative data analysis of technicality in L2 student writing”
- 2008: "And so, today, a new season of American renewal has begun". A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Newness in American Presidential Discourse. University of Regensburg. DOI: 10.5283/epub.52880
Co-edited volumes and journal issues
- 2014 (with M. Stegu und E. Peters): "Fachsprachenunterricht heute: Bedarf – (Fach-)Wissen – Kontext". Fachsprache / International Journal of Specialized Communication XXXVI/1-2.
- 2004 (with S. Greschonig): Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
Journal articles and book chapters
- 2024: “Learner Identities in the ESP Setting of a Business School: Integrating Focus Group Methodology and Interactional Discourse Analysis.” PhiN Philologie im Netz 35, 63-91.
- 2022: “From ‘occluded’ genres to authentic ESP writing tasks: Modelling intertextual cohesion for task-based L2 writing instruction.” Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies 33 (2), 29-59. <>
- 2019: "Intertextuality in pedagogic genres: Identifying genre- and task-related factors in source-based business writing". Andrea Abel, Aivars Glaznieks, Verena Lyding & Lionel Nicolas (eds.): Widening the Scope of Learner Corpus Research. Selected Papers from the Fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain. [Corpora and Language in Use], 357-397.
- 2017a: Zum Erwerb wissenschaftlicher Textkompetenz in der Wirtschaftssprache Englisch. In Christiane Dalton-Puffer/Klaus-Börge Boeckmann/Barbara Hinger (Hg.) ÖGSD Tagungsberichte Vol. 2.1.: Symposium Sprachlehr/lernforschung in Österreich. 10 Jahre ÖGSD. Graz: ÖGSD, 25-31.
- 2017b: "Same same, but different?" Gender-based variation in business student writing". In Peter Handler/Klaus Kaindl/Holger Wochele (Hg.) Ceci n'est pas une festschrift. Texte zur Angewandten und Romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft für Martin Stegu. Berlin: Logos, 95-111.
- 2017c: "English as a lingua franca in international business contexts business contexts: Pedagogical implications for the teaching of English for Specific Business Purposes". In Franz Rainer/Gerlinde Mautner (eds) Business Communication: Linguistic Approaches. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 319-356.
- 2016: "Writing for specific purposes: Developing business students’ ability to ‘technicalize’". In Susanne Göpferich/Imke Neumann (eds.) Developing and Assessing Academic Writing Skills (Forum Angewandte Linguistik). Frankfurt: Lang, 15-45.
- 2015: "'My own summary is definitely less scientific but more easy to grasp': ESP writing and disciplinary identity". Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (FLuL) 44 (1), 82-96. [invited]
- 2014 (with E. Peters und M. Stegu): "Fachsprachenunterricht heute: Bedarf – (Fach-) Wissen – Kontext", Fachsprache/International Journal of Specialized Communication 36/1-2, 2-11.
- 2013: "Shell noun patterns in student writing in English for specific academic purposes (ESAP)". In Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin and Fanny Meunier (eds) Twenty Years of Learner Corpus Research: Looking back, Moving ahead. Corpora and Language in Use. Louvain: Presses universitaires de Louvain, 411-422.
- 2011: "The Ideological Construction of European Identities: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Linguistic Representation of the Old vs. New Europe Debate" In Christopher Hart (ed.) Critical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 143–170.
- 2010: "Yes, We Can– Framing political events in terms of change: A corpus-based analysis of the 'change' frame in American Presidential discourse", Belgian Journal of Linguistics 24, 147-175.
- 2007a: "The Linguistics of Lying" In Jochen Mecke (ed.) Cultures of Lying. Theories and Practice of Lying in Society, Literature, and Film. Berlin: Galda & Wilch, 115-126.
- 2007b: "The Discourse of Didacticization of English in Germany", World Englishes 26 (2), 241-259.
- 2006: "Multilingualism as Empowerment? Is English Disempowering German Learners?" In Albert Weideman / Birgit Smieja (eds.) Empowerment through Language and Education. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 93-113.
- 2005: "Peter Webbers Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring – Eine Schule des Sehens im Zeichen von Intermedialität" In Jürgen Klein / Gunnar Müller-Waldeck (Hg.) Flandziu (Halbjahresblätter der Internationalen Wolfgang Koeppen Gesellschaft) 2, 2, 19-39.
- 2004a: "What price ecology? A Case Study of Metonymic Profiling in Advertising Discourse" In Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk / Alina Kwiatkowska (eds.) Imagery in Language. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Ronald W. Langacker, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 651-663.
- 2004b: "Retracing the European map - An Ideological Outline of the Old vs. New Europe Debate" In Steffen Greschonig / Christine S. Sing (eds.) Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 217-233.
- 2004c (with K. Kratochwill):"Als Geisterfahrer unterwegs auf dem LOST HIGHWAY. David Lynchs Tunnelblick als Reflektor von Selbstlüge und Identitätssuche" In Kerstin Kratochwill / Almut Steinlein (Hg.) Kino der Lüge. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 153-192.
Online publications and working papers
- 2012a: “Nouns and their Patterns in L2 Student Writing – Implications for the Teaching of English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP).” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ‘Teaching and Language Corpora’, Warsaw, Poland (edited by Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska).
- 2012b: "Corpus-based evidence for the construal of adjectives with multiple meanings: The case of new." Online Proceedings of UK-CLC3 1,
- 2004d: "Have we learnt our lesson well?" Curriculum ideals and classroom reality in the process of empowerment through Euro-English. Duisburg/Essen: LAUD (625).
Book reviews
- 2017: Framing the Rhetoric of a Leader: An Analysis of Obama’s Election Campaign Speeches. By Marta Degani. Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 315 pp. In: Presidential Studies Quarterly 47 (3), 606-607.