Courses Taught / Lehrveranstaltungen
University of Siegen
- The Shoah in Comics
- American Literary History IV: Postmodernism and Contemporary Literature (Lecture)
- American Literary History III: Realism, Naturalism, Modernism (Lecture)
- American Literary History II: From the Early Republic to the Civil War (Lecture)
- American Literary History I: From Puritanism to the Revolution (Lecture)
- Populäre Serialität: Comics und Heftromane (mit Niels Werber)
- Graphic Narrative and Black Visual Culture
- Archives
- Native American Literature
- Graphic Women
- Superheroes and Visual Culture (Lecture series, with Joseph Imorde)
- Free Speech on Campus: An American Debate
- Teju Cole: Writing and Photography
- Contemporary Graphic Novels
- Early American Life Writing
- Political Speeches by Black Americans
- Graphic Narrative: Theory and Analysis
- Short Fiction by Southern Women Writers
- Beat Poetry
- Dramatizing Race and Ethnicty in Nineteenth-Century America
- Graphic Narratives of Black History
- The City Mystery Novel
- Musical Autobiographies
- American Cultural History II
- American Cultural History I
- Extra-Ordinarity: Superheroes in Visual Culture
- The U.S. Election
- Forschungskolloquium
- The Films of Michael Moore
- Lecture series "Serien" (with Niels Werber)
- African American Autobiography
- Gesellschaft in Serie: Superhelden (with Niels Werber)
- Disaster Drawn: War and Migration in Graphic Narrative
- Contemporary Black Film
Free University Berlin
- Transmedial Moby Dick
University of Göttingen
- The City in American Literature and Culture (Late Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century)
- Dramas of Race and Ethnicity in Nineteenth-Century America
- Early American Life Narratives (Proseminar)
- Political Literature and Literary Politics in the Early Republic (Proseminar)
- More Than a Fish Book: Herman Melville's Moby-Dick (Proseminar)
- Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Proseminar)
- The Graphic Novel in North America and Great Britain (Proseminar)
- The Poetry of the Beat Generation (Proseminar)
- Performing Protest: A Student Symposium
- Theories of the Popular (Hauptseminar; mit Frank Kelleter und Andreas Jahn-Sudmann)
- Introduction to the Study of American Literature and Culture
- Introduction to American Cultural History I (Grundstudium)
- Introduction to American Cultural History II: Jazz and American Culture (Hauptstudium)
- American Literature and Culture from the Sixteenth Century to the Revolution (Tutorial)
- Realism, Naturalism, Early Modernism: U.S. Literature from the Civil War to the Armory Show" (Tutorial)
- U.S. Literature from the Armory Show to the Second World War (Tutorial)
- U.S. Literature from the Second World War to the Age of Hegemony (Tutorial)
- Doing Research and Composing Papers in American Studies (Tutorial)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Freshmen Composition: Personal Writing
- Freshmen Composition: Writing About Music
- Argumentative Writing: Writing About American Culture
- Literary Studies: Science Fiction (Tutorial)
Austin College, Texas
- German Conversation
- Richardson Summer Institute for Language Teachers