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The conference venue is "Schloss Hohentübingen" (a castle on top of the historic centre of Tübingen). First documented in 1078, it has become one of Europe's largest archeological university museums.

How to find the conference room:
When crossing the main entrance to the castle, you will arrive on the first courtyard. Please turn to the right. There is an entrance to the Institute of Classical Archeology. Take the spiral staircase up to the second floor. You will enter the institute's foyer. The conference will take place in room no. 165 (the so-called round tower room).

If you are unsure how to get to the Castle Hohentübingen, either from the central station or your accomodation, please check our Travel Information section.

Further Information:
Tourist information (ENG)
Museum information (DEU)


Schloss Hohentübingen

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche