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Publications (selection) 


(2024) J. Chao, D. van Geenen, C. Gerlitz
"Digital methods for sensory media research: Toolmaking as a critical technical practice"
FN van der Vlist Convergence 30 (1), 236-263

(2023) S. Gießmann, C. Gerlitz
"Test. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt"
Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaften 29, 15(2).

(2023) Marres, M., L. Bounegru, G. Colombo, C. Gerlitz, J. Gray, J. Tripp
Testing and not testing for Covid on Twitter: Surfacing testing situations across scales with interpretative methods
Social Media & Society.

(2023) Chao, J., D. van Geenen, C. Gerlitz 2023
Towards digital methods for sensory media research: Toolmaking as critical technical practice
Convergence, Special Issue on Critical Technical Practice(s) in Digital Research". Zur Veröffentlichung angenommen.

(2023) Werber, N., Stein, D., Döring, J., Albrecht-Birkner, V., Gerlitz, C., Hecken, T., Paßmann, J., Schäfer, J., Schubert, C. and Venus, J., February. "Getting Noticed by Many: On the Transformations of the Popular"
In Arts (Vol. 12, No. 1, p. 39). MDPI.

(2022) Burkhardt, M., D. van Geenen, C. Gerlitz, S. Hind, T. Kaerlein, D. Lämmerhirt und A. Volmar, Hrsg.
"Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data"
1. Aufl. hg. v. Media in Action, Bielefeld: transcript.  

(2021) Döring, J., Werber, N., Albrecht-Birkner, V., Gerlitz, C., Hecken, T., Paßmann, J., Schäfer, J., Schubert, C., Stein, D. and Venus, J.
"Was bei vielen Beachtung findet: Zu den Transformationen des Populären"
Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 6(2), pp.1-24.

(2019) Gerlitz, C. and Weltevrede, E.
"What​ happens​ to​ ANT,​ and​ its​ emphasis​ on​ the ​socio-material grounding of the social, in​ digital​ sociology?"
Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory. Roberts, Celia Farias, Ignatio Andrer Blok. London and New York: Routledge,
pp. 1–17. (accepted for publication)

(2018) Gray, J. Gerlitz, C. and Bounegru, L.
"Data Infrastructure Literacy"
Big Data & Society, online first.

(2018) Gerlitz, C.,
Lury, Celia et al., eds: The International Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods. Routledge .

(2018) Gerlitz, C. & Rieder, B.,
"Tweets are not created equal. Investigating Twitter's Client Ecosystem"
International Journal of Communication, 11, 528–547. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/viewFile/5974/2252  

(2017) Gerlitz, C.,
"The multivalence of consumer affect"
Hetherington, K., Harvey, P. and Bennett, T. Charisma and the Arts of Market Attachment. London: Routledge.

(2016) Gerlitz, C.,
"What Counts? Reflections on the Multivalence of Social Media Data"
Digital Culture & Society, 2(2), pp.19–38.

(2015) Marres, N. & Gerlitz, C.,
"Interface Methods. Renegotiating relations between digital research, STS and Sociology",
Sociological Review 64:1, 21-46.

(2014) Weltevrede, E., Helmond, A. & Gerlitz, C.,
"The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines"
Theory, Culture & Society, 31(6), pp.125–150.

(2014) Gerlitz, C. & Lury, C.,
"Social media and self-evaluating assemblages: on numbers, orderings and values"
Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 15(2), pp.174–188.

(2013) Gerlitz, C. & Rieder, B.,
"Mining One Percent of Twitter: Collections, Baselines, Sampling"
M/C Journal, 16(2), pp.1–18.

(2013) Gerlitz, C. & Helmond, A.,
"The Like economy: Social buttons and the data-intensive web"
New Media & Society, 15(8), pp.1348–1365.

Other (selection)  

(2018) Dieter, M. Gerlitz, C., Helmond, A., Tkacz, N., van der Vlist, F. and Weltevrede, E. "Store, interface, package, connection. Methods and propositions for multi-situated app studies" CRC Media of Cooperation Working Paper Series No. 4, Working Paper, 30 August. Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation: University of Siegen. Available at: https://www001.zimt.uni-siegen.de/ojs/index.php/wps1187/article/view/29

(2018) Marres, N. and Gerlitz, C. "Social Media as Experiments in Sociality" in: Marres, N., Guggenheim, M. and Wilckie, A.Inventing the Social, Manchester: Mattering Press, 253-286. 

(2017) Paßmann, J. and Gerlitz, C.  " Popularisierung einer digitalen Medienpraktik. Zur Geschichte und Ästhetik des Knolling ". In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 47:3, S. 375-393. 

(2017) Gerlitz, C., "Soziale Medien". In: Hecken & Kleiner, eds., Handbuch Popkultur, Metzler Verlag, pp.235-239.

(2016) Gerlitz, C., "Data Point Critique". In: M. T. Schäfer & K. van Es, eds.,  The Datafied Society Studying Culture through Data . Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 241–245.

(2016) Gerlitz, C., "Bots, Software und parasitäre Ökonomien". In: POP Kultur & Kritik. Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 54–58.

(2015) Marres, N. & Gerlitz, C., "Les méthodes d’interface: Une renégociation des liens entre recherche numérique, STS et sociologie". In: Severo, Marta et Romele, Alberto (éd.), Traces numériques et Territoires, collection Territoires Numériques, Paris: Presses des Mines.

(2015) Gerlitz, C., Herma, L., & Kyrimi, C. G., "The disambiguation of social buttons". Online from http://www.pop-zeitschrift.de/2015/11/16/social-media-november

(2015) Gerlitz, C., "Whatsapp, Snapchat, Wickr, Cyber Dust & Co. Die Politik der Geschwindigkeit". POP Zeitschrift. Kultur und Kritik. Heft 6, 42-46.

(2014) Paßmann, J. & Gerlitz, C., "‚Good‘ platform-political reasons for ‚bad‘ platform-data. Zur sozio-technischen Geschichte der Plattformaktivitäten Fav, Retweet und Like". Mediale Kontrolle. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-954X.12314/abstract Reprinted with slight changes in 2016 at POP Zeitschrift http://www.pop-zeitschrift.de/2016/01/04/good-platform-political-reasons-for-bad-platform-datavon-johannes-passmann-und-carolin-gerlitz4-1-2016/

(2014) Gerlitz, C. & Rieder B., "Data–Mining von einem Prozent Twitter – Sammlungen, Basislinien, Stichproben". In: Reichert, Ramon. Big Data Reader, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 203-220.

(2013) Gerlitz, C., "Partizipative Zahlen. Vom Wert der Likes". POP Zeitschrift, Kultur und Kritik, Heft 3, 34-38.

(2013) Gerlitz, C. "Brands and Continuos Economies" PhD thesis, Goldsmiths University of London.

(2011) Gerlitz, C., "Die Like Economy. Digitaler Raum, Daten und Wertschöpfung. In: Leistert and Röhle" (eds.), Generation Facebook. Über das Leben im Social Net, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. (Book chapter)

(2011) Gerlitz, C. & Helmond, A., "Hit, Link, Like and Share. Organizing the social and the fabric of the web in a Like economy." Conference proceedings Digital Methods Initiative Winter Conference, 24-25 January 2011. 

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche