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Application procedure

Bachelor´s degree

The Examination Office is not involved in the application process for a Bachelor's degree with a university entrance qualification (e.g. German Abitur). The application procedure runs via the online application portal unisono. An overview of the Bachelor's degree programmes and information on admission can be found here:

Master´s degree


All Applications will be received through the online system unisono. Internal students also apply exclusively through unisono.

At the Faculty I: Faculty of Arts and Humanities we offer one international M.A. programme: Roads to Democracies

An overview of all Master's degree programmes offered by Faculty I and the study models in the Master's degree programme in German can be found here:

A summary of the application modalities as well as all required documents for the Master's application in German can be found on the Faculty's Master's application portal:

Alle Formulare liegen als PDF-Datei vor.

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