Ausgewählte Publikationen
Publikationen mit wissenschaftlicher Qualitätssicherung
Schröder, Valentin/ Manow, Philip (2018), »An intra-party Account of Electoral System Choice«, Political Science Research and Methods, First view.
Döring, Holger/Manow, Philip (2015), »Is Proportional Representation more favourable to the left? Elec¬toral rules and their impact on elections, parliaments and cabinet formation«, British Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, 16 S.;
Emmenegger, Patrick/Manow, Philip (2014), »Religion and the gender vote gap: Women’s changed political preferences from the 1970s to 2010«, Politics & Society, 42, 2, S. 166-193.
Kersbergen, Kees van/Manow, Philip (Hg.) (2009), Religion, Class Coalitions and the Welfare State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Manow, Philip (2009), »Electoral Rules, Class Coalitions and Welfare State Regimes – or how to explain Esping-Andersen with Stein Rokkan«, Socio-Economic Review, 7, 1, S. 101–121.
Manow, Philip (2010), In the King’s Shadow: The Political Anatomy of Democratic Representation, Oxford: Polity Press.
Manow, Philip (2011b), »The Cube Rule in a Mixed-electoral System: The plurality tier in German Bun¬des¬tag-elections«, West European Politics, 34, 4, S. 773–794.
Manow, Philip (2016), Mixed Rules, Mixed Strategies: Parties and Candidates in Germany’s Mixed Elec¬to¬ral System, Essex, GB: ECPR Press.
Manow, Philip/Burkhart, Simone (2007), »Government’s Legislative Self-Restraint under Divided Gov¬ern¬ment: Evidence from the German Case, 1976-2002«, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 32, 2, S. 167–191.
Manow, Philip/Döring, Holger (2008), »Electoral and Mechanical Causes of Divided Government in the European Union«, Comparative Political Studies, 41, 10, S. 1349–1370.