- Gemeinsamer Kongress DGMP/DGMS 2021. September 16th – 17th. Online.
„Psychosoziale Medizin in Zeiten des Umbruchs“
- Centre for Longitudinal Studies – UCL Social Research Institute 2021. September 15th
“The economic and social value of health from childhood to later life”
- Espanet Online PhD Seminar 2020. September 2rd:
"Men’s care work and family policies for care”
“Stream: Children and family policies for care”
Presentation: “Medicalization and Psychologization of childhood developmental disorders:
A factorial survey approach”
- RC 19 Annual Conference, Mannheim 2019, August 28th – 30th:
"Global Crises and Social Policy: Coping with Conflict, Migration and Climate Change”