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Pargen, Laura & Peter Dannenberg (2016): Contributions of Commercial Small-Scale Farming to Food Accessibility – Examples from Kenya. Voices from Around the World, 2016 (1). (online verfügbar: http://voices.uni-koeln.de/2016-1/contributionsofcommercialsmallscalefarmingtofoodaccessibility)

Pargen, Laura (2018): Food Security of Small-Scale Horticultural Farmers: Cases from the Mount Kenya Region, in: Adamseged, M. E. & Bokelmann W. (eds.): Value Chain Development for Food Security in the Context of Climate Change: Perspectives and Lessons from a North-South Capacity Building Project. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.

Pargen, Laura (2018): Rule-Maker oder Rule-Taker? Südafrikas Regionalmachtstatus unter der Lupe. CGS – Discussion Paper 21. (online verfügbar: https://www.cgs-bonn.de/de/publikationen/discussion-papers/)

Pargen, Laura (2019): Caught in Between? Transnational Identities of the Lost Boys (and Girls) of Sudan. Politik und Gesellschaft (PuG), 2019 (2).

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