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Prof. Dr. phil. Karin Schittenhelm

+49 (0) 271-740 3046 (sekretariat)
AR-K 505
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57068 Siegen

Higher Education

2005 Habilitation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Venia legendi: Sociology.
Doctoral degree, Freie Universität Berlin.
Diplom in Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin, Sociology

Professional Experience

Since 2024


 Senior Researcher

Professor of Sociology, University of Siegen, Germany

Since 2021

Since 2011

DFG Research Unit 'Transborder Mobility and Institutional Dynamics'

Member of the DFG Research Unit ‘Horizontal Europeanization’

2007-2010 Strategic Knowledge Cluster ‘Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue’
(European Collaborator)
International Study Group ‘Cultural Capital in Migration’ (VW Foundation)

Grants and Visiting Positions

2018 Visiting scholar, CRESPPA (Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris)
CNRS, Programme “Changing Societies”
2010 and 2017 Visiting scholar, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic
Diversity, Göttingen, Germany (6-7/2010 and 3/2017)
2015-2016 Chaire Alfred Grosser, Sciences Po/Institut d'Études Politiques, courses/lectures
at the European Campus Nancy, France
2009 and 2010
Visiting scholar, University of British Columbia (UBC), Institute for European
Studies, Vancouver, Canada (9-10/2010 and 9-11/ 2009)
1998 and 1999
Visiting scholar, Institut de Recherche sur les Sociétés Contemporaines
(IRESCO-CNRS), Paris, France (11/1998-3/1999)

Current Research and Areas of Expertise

Karin Schittenhelm is a Professor of Sociology. Her research interests include migration and asylum research, gender and life course research, European studies, as well as qualitative research methods. She is currently a co-leader of a research project entitled ‘Europeanization of Asylum Administrative Practice?’ that is part of the ‘Horizontal Europeanization’ research unit and funded by the German Research Association (DFG). A further ongoing research project (entitled ‘Mobile Transitions, Mobile Life Styles?’ funded by the German Research Association/DFG) deals with transnational mobility in the early academic careers of graduates of German universities who continue their professional careers in France or the Netherlands.

Selected Research Projects

2021-2025Transborder Mobility and Institutional Dynamics, DFG Research Unit transMID (FOR 5183), Sub-Project: Asylum Regimes and Transnational Refugee Families in Germany and France


‘Mobile Übergänge, mobile Lebensformen?’ (Transitions and ways of living of university graduates from Germany following scientific careers in France and the Netherlands), DFG

‘Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Asylfeld? Towards a European Field of Asylum Administration’, DFG-Research-Unit: Horizontal Europeanisation (1st and 2nd phase) (co-leader with Christian Lahusen)
‘Cultural capital during migration. Towards the relevance of education titles and residence permits for the status passage into the labour market’, funded by the ‘Migration and Integration’ programme of the Volkswagen Foundation (cooperative leadership with Arnd-Michael Nohl, Oliver Schmidtke, Anja Weiß)
2000-2001 ‘Les Jeunes et l'Europe. Aptitude à l'égard de l'Europe et de l'identité européenne’ Freie Universität Berlin, Cooperation with ‘Institut de Recherche sur les sociétés contemporaines’, CNRS, Paris/France, funded by the European Commission, DG XXII (cooperative partner)
‘Lebensstile und Orientierungen junger Frauen zwischen Schule und Beruf in interkulturell vergleichender Perspektive, A cross-cultural approach to the school-to-work transition of young women, DFG (principal investigator)


Selected publications

  • Schäfer, Gregor; Schittenhelm, Karin; El Dali Yasmin (2023). Places and Mechanism of Belonging and Exclusion. Intra-EU Academic Migration in a Comparative Perspective. Population, Space and Place. 29(8). Doi.org/10.1022/psp.2699
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2022). Negotiating Unequal Mobility Opportunities.Young Academic's Mobility in the EU and their Partner-Related Living Conditions. Geoforum 133: 117-127. Doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.03.020
  • Lahusen, Christian; Schittenhelm, Karin & Schneider, Stephanie (2022). Europäische Asylpolitik und lokales Verwaltungshandeln. Zur Behördenpraxis in Deutschland und Schweden. Bielefeld: transcript. 
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2021). Theoretisches und praktiziertes Sampling.Zwischen Felderkundung, Theoriebildung und Gütesicherung. ZQF/Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung 22(2): 283-298.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2019). Implementing and Rethinking the European Union's Asylum Legislation: The Asylum Procedures Directive. International Migration 57 (1): 229-244. Doi: 10.1111/imig.12533
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2018). Geschlechterbezogene Verfolgung und ihre Beurteilung in Asylverfahren: Die Umsetzung von UNHCR- und EU-Richtlinien am Beispiel von Schweden. GENDER, 10(2): 32-46.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin & Stephanie Schneider (2017). Official Standards and Local Knowledge in Asylum Procedures: Decision-Making in Germany’s Asylum System. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(10), pp. 1696-1713.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2017). Mehrsprachigkeit als Herausforderung in transnationalen Forschungskontexten. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung, 18(1), pp. 105-115.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2015). Asylsuchende im Blickpunkt der Behörde. Explizites und implizites Wissen in der Herstellung von Asylbescheiden in Deutschland. Soziale Probleme, 26(2), pp. 137-150.
  • Nohl, Arnd-Michael; Karin Schittenhelm; Oliver Schmidtke & Anja Weiß (2014). Work in Transition. Cultural Capital and Highly Skilled Migrants‘ Passages into the Labour Market. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin; Schmidtke, Oliver (2011). Integrating Highly Skilled Migrants into the Economy: Transatlantic Perspectives. International Journal, 66(1), pp. 127-143.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2009). Social Risks in Successful Educational careers of Young Female Immigrants in the German Education System: Coping Strategies, Self-Help and Support Services. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 5(3), pp. 3-16.
  • Nohl, Arnd-Michael; Schittenhelm, Karin; Schmidtke, Oliver; Weiß, Anja (2006). Cultural Capital During Migration – A Multi-Layer Approach to the Labour Market Integration amongst Highly Skilled Immigrants. FQS. Forum Qualitative Research, 7(3), Art.14.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2005). Primäre und sekundäre Effekte kultureller Praktiken. Der Ausbildungseinstieg junger Migrantinnen im interkulturellen Vergleich. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 57(4), pp. 691-713.
  • Schittenhelm, Karin (2005). Soziale Lagen im Übergang. Junge Migrantinnen und Einheimische zwischen Schule und Berufsausbildung, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Complete list of publications

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