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  • Smith, J. B., Klumbytė, G., Sidebottom, K., Dillard-Wright, J., Willis, E., Brown, B. B., & Hopkins-Walsh, J. (2023). We all care, ALL the time. Nursing Inquiry, e12572. (Link)
  • Dillard-Wright, J., Smith, J. B., Hopkins-Walsh, J., Willis, E., Brown, B. B., & Tedjasukmana, E. C. (2023). Notes on [post]human nursing: What It MIGHT Be, What it is Not. Nursing Inquiry, e12562. (Link)
  • Smith, J. Willis, E., Hopkins-Walsh , J. (2022) 'What does person-centred care mean, if you weren't considered a person anyway: a black, queer, feminist, posthuman approach to evidence based medicine and person-centred-care' Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals, 23(3), e12401. (Link)
  • Smith, J., Willis, E. (2022) We Refuse to Cope! The Vitruvian Nurse, the Code of Conduct, and Nurses' Lived Knowledge. Catalyst. (Link)
  • Smith, J., Willis, E., Hopkins-Walsh, J., Dillard-Wright, J., & Brown, B. (2022). The Vitruvian nurse and burnout: New materialist approaches to impossible ideals. Nursing inquiry, e12538. Advance online publication. (Link)
  • Hopkins Walsh, J., Dillard-Wright, J., Brown, B., Smith, J. (2022) Critical Posthuman Nursing Care: Bodies Reborn and the Ethical Imperative for Composting. Witness - The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse (Link)
  • Smith, J., Willis, E. (2020) Interpreting Posthumanism with Nurse Work. Journal of Posthuman Studies; 4 (1): 59–75. (Link)
  • Auditor, M, Eva Willis, Bening, J. (2017) Internationalisierung der Hochschulcurricula aus der Perspektive transkultureller Bildung: Akademische Lehre nachhaltig weiter denken In: Casper-Hehne, H. & T. Reiffenrath (Hg) Internationalisierung der Curricula an Hochschulen - Konzepte, Initiativen, Maßnahmen (Link)


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