* Mandatory fields
What was the overall structure of the course? What made it particularly appealing in terms of structure?
What knowledge/skills will you take away from the course? To what extent did the teacher succeed particularly well in supporting the participants' acquisition of knowledge and skills (e.g. dealing with complex issues or large amounts of material)?
Please formulate an overall vote as to why you would like to nominate the nominated lecturer for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching Award for this course.
Please comment on at least three other categories in this section.
Which teaching and learning methods were used that you found particularly convincing and helpful? (e.g. methods that motivated you to actively participate; integration of digital elements into classroom teaching)
Did interdisciplinary approaches and international contexts play a special role in the course?
To what extent were the media and learning materials (analog and digital components) used in the course in question particularly appealing and helpful?
To what extent was the teaching and learning atmosphere particularly pleasant and stimulating?
How did the teacher succeed in motivating students to acquire the relevant skills in a particularly helpful and constructive way?
Can you name any other aspects that highlight the teacher's commitment?
Here you can add aspects that you were unable to include in the other sections.
This nomination is made on behalf of the following persons. The nomination must be supported by at least 5 people.
The matriculation number must be stated in each case, as it is used as a mode of authentication (instead of a signature). A data comparison and random contact may also be carried out.
This information will be used for queries and to inform you of any successful nomination. You will also receive a copy of the data submitted here at the e-mail address provided.
Surname, first name *:
Matriculation number *:
E-mail address *: (bitte möglichst studentische Mailadresse nutzen!)
One person per line, please use the format surname, first name, matriculation number.
Please solve the following task
③ + ⑥ = *
Please confirm the processing and transmission of your data
The data submitted with this form will be transmitted by e-mail to the Vice Dean's Office for Studies and Teaching and to the management of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The data will be formally checked and passed on to the QVM Commission for further processing, which will decide on the awarding of the prize. The submitted personal data, in particular names and student numbers, from all nominations will be deleted 6 months after the respective award ceremony, the (possibly anonymized) nomination texts and the number of supporters of the nominations will be stored indefinitely.
* Yes, I agree to transmit the above data to the server in encrypted form via this form. Further data transmission and possible contact by the organizers will then take place partly by unencrypted e-mail.