As part of the international Summer School Transnational Graphic Narratives sponsored by the Volkswagen Stiftung, the English Department of the University of Siegen kindly invites you to the following public events:
- Monday, July 31, 2017, 9–10 am – Keynote Lecture by Prof. Stephan Packard (Freiburg):
“Imagining Other Audiences: Popular Ideologies of Fiction in Transnationally Published Comics.”
- Monday, 31 July 2017, 5–6 pm – Panel Discussion:
“Comics Studies in Germany.” With Astrid Böger (Hamburg), Christina Meyer (Hannover), Joachim Trinkwitz (Bonn), and Stephan Packard (Freiburg)
- Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 9–10 am – Keynote Lecture by Prof. Casey Brienza (London):
“Domesticating Manga? Japanese Comics and Transnational Publishing.”
- Thursday, 3 August 2017, 9–10 am – Keynote Lecture by Prof. Michael Chaney (Dartmouth College):
“The Para-caption and March Covers, or (Mis)Reading with the President.”
- Thursday, 3 August 2017, 5–6 pm – Panel Discussion:
“Transnational Comics Studies.” With José Alaniz (U of Washington), Casey Brienza (London), Michael Chaney (Dartmouth College), Sarah Lightman (London), and others
- Friday, 4 August 2017, 9–10 am – Keynote Lecture by Prof. Astrid Böger (Hamburg):
“Transnational Graphic Narratives from Down Under: An Overview.”
No entry fee. All events will take place in (room) US A-134/1, University of Siegen (Campus Unteres Schloss; 10 minutes walking distance from the central train station in Siegen)
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