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"Siegen helps students" – You can help, too!
A crowdfunding campaign has been launched for students from the University of Siegen who have got into financial difficulties through no fault of their own due to the Corona pandemic. The University, the Society of Friends and Supporters and the AStA have therefore launched a donation campaign for bridging the gap.
A crowdfunding campaign for students from Siegen, who have encountered financial difficulties through no fault of their own due to the Corona pandemic, has been launched at the University of Siegen. The University, the Society of Friends and Sponsors and the AStA have therefore launched a donation campaign for bridge funding.
The measures taken to combat the corona pandemic also pose major problems for students at our university. Many have lost their jobs in pubs and restaurants, at trade fairs or in companies. The number of those who can no longer cover the costs for rent, food and health insurance without help is increasing. Especially students with children, international students and chronically ill students are finding themselves in serious financial emergency. In many cases, parents are also unable to alleviate the situation as they are also affected by financial cutbacks and uncertainties.
Ideally, none of our students should have to discontinue their studies due to the Corona Pandemic - therefore our joint and solidary action is required!
University leadership, together with the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the University of Siegen (Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Siegen e.V.) and the General Students' Committee (AStA) have developed the idea of a crowdfunding campaign. The project "Siegen helps students", which is supported by members of the University of Siegen, is intended to help cushion the worst hardships. The Society of Friends and Sponsors has set up an account for donations for this purpose. The project is coordinated by the University's Department of International Student Affairs.
"Your donations will directly benefit students in Siegen, who are in need due to the Corona pandemic and through no fault of their own – quickly and effectively. This is solidarity in action and corresponds to our University’s motto ‘Shaping a humane future'. We would like to already thank all donors who are making this possible", say University Rector Prof. Dr. Holger Burckhart and Jörg Dienenthal, Chairman of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the University of Siegen.
Please help and donate to the project "Siegen helps students"! Every donation helps.
The funds will be used to provide a nonrecurring payment to students of up to 450 Euros. The aid is granted as bridge funding and does not have to be repaid. In contrast to the planned Corona aid of the Federal Government in the form of interest-free loans, the project "Siegen helps students" is aimed primarily at students for whom a loan is not an option due to financial reasons. The money will be paid out to the students by the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the University of Siegen e.V. after a review based on defined guidelines and on a recommendation of the university.
Donation Account
Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Siegen
e. V.
IBAN: DE68 4607 0090 0021 0922 01
Purpose: Hilfsfonds + your name / company title +
Donations to the project "Siegen helps students" can be tax deductible. We will gladly issue a donation receipt to you.
Note: For donations up to 200 Euro a simplified proof to the tax authorities is sufficient, for example the booking confirmation of the transfer.
Do you have questions?
Contact person: Katharina Sommer
Department of International Student Affairs at the University
of Siegen
E-mail: hilfsfonds@uni-siegen.de
Phone: 0271 / 740-3907
Contact: AStA’s Social Office (Sozialreferat)
Phone: 0271-740-4601 (daily between 11 -14 o’clock)
Current information (28.05.2020): The possibility to donate has been extended until 15.06.2020.
The possibility to submit applications expired on May 20th, 2020.