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Executive Department for
Press, Communication and Marketing

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a
Gebäude AVZ (Gebäudeteil AR-NA)
57068 Siegen

Phone:    +49 (0)271/740-4915
Fax.:    +49 (0)271/740-4911
E-Mail:  presse@uni-siegen.de

Diversity Week 2021 on mental health

Starting on May 17, it's that time again. The University of Siegen will again fly the flag for diversity in 2021 and participate in the 9th German Diversity Day.

Do you feel really cooped up while working and studying at home? Are you stressed, do you feel lonely or do you worry a lot? From May 17 to 21, we are hosting a digital Diversity Week making the invisible visible. As a signatory of the Charter of Diversity, the University of Siegen will again fly the #FlagForDiversity  in 2021 and will participate in the 9th German Diversity Day with a diverse digital program. A variety of activities in virtual space will be dedicated to the main topic of mental health in studying, teaching and everyday work. The complete program under the motto #SeeTheUnseen is available here.  

"Impaired mental well-being is mostly invisible to outsiders and is still considered taboo," explains Katharina Miketta, Diversity Policies Officer at the University of Siegen. Yet many people in society are affected by mental stress – more than ever as a result of the COVID pandemic. Mental health is an essential prerequisite for quality of life, performance and social participation, she says. "All this is reason enough for us to focus more on the multifaceted topic of mental health as part of this year's Diversity Week, in order to help make the invisible visible," says Miketta.

A total of eleven activities will be held by institutions or individuals at the university. The diverse online program offers workshops for students, teachers, doctoral candidates, employees and interested citizens. One of the highlights: The live lecture by Siegen psychology professor Dr. Marie Hennecke on "Self-Regulation in the Home Office" (in German), "In addition to university members, interested citizens from the region are explicitly invited and welcome to participate in individual offerings," says Professor Dr.' Alexandra Nonnenmacher, Prorector for Academic Education, who will speak the greeting of the rectorate.

A theoretical and practical introduction to the topic of "relaxation" will be given by the staff of the University Sports Department in cooperation with the Kreissportbund Siegen-Wittgenstein.  Professor Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann (Social Pedagogy) will give a lecture on the topic of "Studying with mental stress at the University of Siegen".  There will also be a "Digital Mental Health Museum tour", offered by the Equal Opportunities Office in cooperation with the Family Service Office, FraMeS and the Service Office Inclusive University of Siegen. 

University employees are permitted to participate in individual offerings during working hours after consultation with their respective supervisors, provided that there are no conflicting business interests.

Program: https://u-si.de/NQrCl 
More information about the German Diversity Day

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Executive Department for
Press, Communication and Marketing

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a
Gebäude AVZ (Gebäudeteil AR-NA)
57068 Siegen

Phone:    +49 (0)271/740-4915
Fax.:    +49 (0)271/740-4911
E-Mail:  presse@uni-siegen.de