The 13th Annual Risk Governance Conference will be held on October 16 and 17, 2025.
The 12th Annual Risk Governance Conference will be held on October 10 and 11, 2024. The focus topic this year will be "Reexamining Competition from a Risk Governance Perspective".
Scientists and practitioners are cordially invited to submit conference papers. Please refer to the following link for all information:
The 11th Annual Risk Governance Conference will be held on October 19 and 20, 2023. The focus topic this year will be "Transforming Risk Management and Risk Governance in Organizations".
Scientists and practitioners are cordially invited to submit conference papers. Please refer to the following links for all information:
Please find here the link to the press report on the topic of Risk Governance published on 09.11.2022.
The 10th Annual Risk Governance Conference will be held on October 27 and 28, 2022. The focus topic this year will be "Courageous Risk Governance: Enabling Resilience, Autonomy, and New Thinking."
Scientists and practitioners are cordially invited to submit conference papers. Please refer to the following links for all information:
Academics and practitioners are cordially invited to submit conference papers. Please find all information in the following links:
Call for Papers (deutsch) Call for Papers (englisch) Call for Papers for Special Issue JBE
The 6th Annual Risk Governance Conference will take place from 04 to 05 October. Please find the program here.
New blog post "Risk Governance als Ansatzpunkt für (Nicht-)Digitalisierungsrisiken" by Arnd Wiedemann.
The 6th Annual Risk
Governance Conference will be held at the University of
Siegen from October 04 to 05, 2018. Academics and
practitioners are again cordially invited to submit
conference papers. Please find all information in the
following links:
Call for Papers
Call for Papers (englisch)
This year, the conference is combined with a special issue of Management Research Review. The call for papers for the special issue can be accessed here.
Volker Stein / Arnd Wiedemann: Wie eine Risk Governance die Risikosteuerung stärkt.