Image Gallery
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Mark Beasley - The State of Risk Governance and How it Might Need to Evolve
Jan-Philipp Dielmann - Management Decisions under Uncertainty: A Double Mind Change
Muddassar Malik - Risk Governance and Financial Performance of Public Commercial Banks of OECD
Evelyn C. Braumann - Building Adaptive Capacity: The Role of advanced Analytics in Risk Management
Volker Stein - Courageous Risk Governance: Enabling Resilience, Autonomy, and New Thinking
Ann Kristin Meyer - Leads Ethical Behaviour to Lower Earnings Management? - A Critical Review of Empirical Findings
Julia Riepl/Michael Kuttner - Risk Governance in Medium-Sized Family Businesses
Holger Klier - Enterprise Risk Management Directions: Acknowledging the Strategic Rationale behind an Organization’s Risk Management Function
Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala/Thomas Henschel - Implementation of Business Interruption Insurance in SMEs: Relevance of ERM and Corporate Governance
Joanna Błach/Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala - Determinants of Cash Holders Decisions - Risk Management Perspective
Tobias Scholz - Shifting Metagame: Risk Governance as a Core Function for Achieving Sustainability
Nadine Otter - The Moment of Truth - Risk Maturity Analysis in the German Ministry of Defense
Florian Neitzert - Effects of Income Diversification on Bank Profitability and Risk: Empirical Evidence from German Savings Banks
Oliver Schneider - Closing the Governance Gap? The Dynamics of Corporate Measures to Respect Human Rights
Arnd Wiedemann - Farewell