Audretsch, David B.; Moog, Petra (2020): Democracy and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice ET&P.
Baumgart, T.; Klesel, M.; Oschinsky, F. M.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Creativity Loading - Please Wait! Investigating the Relationship between Interruption, Mind Wandering and Creativity. 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), USA, Hawaii.
Bold, M.; Boyaci, B.; Goerigk, M.; Kirkbride, C.: The generalised resource-constrained project scheduling problem with flexible resource profiles. To appear in Proceedings of PMS2020.
Boge, S.; Goerigk, M.; Knust, S.: Robust optimization for premarshalling with uncertain priority classes. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 287, Issue 1, pp. 191-210, 2020.
Brandt, R., Rusch, A. u. Haller, S.: InHyb - An Intrinsic Hybrid Laminate for Cyclically Loaded Components. Proceedings der 4. Internationalen Konferenz Hybrid. 2020, S. 8-13.
Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.; Weisser, T.: Knowledge-Based Problem Solving in Physical Product Development - A Methodological Review, in: Expert Systems with Applications: X, Volume 5, 2020.
Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.; Dannapfel, M.; Fluchs, S.; Müller, K.; Koke, B.: Survey based dataset on automation decisions for assembly systems in Germany, in: Data in Brief, Volume 31, 2020.
Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.; Koke, B.; Steinberg, F.: Approaches for the prediction of lead times in an engineer to order environment - a systematic review, in: IEEE Access PP, Volume 8, pp. 142434-142445, 2020.
Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.; Dannapfel, M.; Adlon, T.; Saßmannshausen, T.; Fölling, C.; Fröhlisch, N.;Ohrndorf, D.; Minderjahn, R.: Adaptive remanufacturing for lifecycle optimization of connected production resources - A literature review, in: Procedia CIRP, Volume 90, 2020.
Burggräf, p.; Wagner, J.; Saßmannshausen, T.M.: Sustainable Interaction of Humans and Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Production Management Systems, in: Behrens BA., Brosius A., Hintze W., Ihlenfeldt S., Wulfsberg J.P. (eds) Production at the leading edge of technology. WGP 2020. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Chassein, A.; Goerigk, M.: On the Complexity of Min-Max-Min Robustness withTwo Alternatives and Budgeted Uncertainty. To appear in Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2020.
Chassein, A.; Goerigk, M.; Kasperski, A.; Zielinski, P.: Approximating combinatorial optimization problems with the ordered weighted averaging criterion. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 286, Issue 3, pp. 828-838, 2020.
Freude, H.; Ressing, C.; Knop, M.; Mueller, M.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Agency and Body Ownership in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments: A Laboratory Study. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), USA, Hawaii.
Goerigk, M.; Kasperski, A.; Zielinski, P.: Two-stage Combinatorial Optimization Problems under Risk. Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 804, pp. 29-45, 2020.
Goerigk, M.; Kurtz, J.; Poss, M.: Min-Max-Min Robustness for Combinatorial Problems with Discrete Budgeted Uncertainty. Discrete Applied Mathematics. Volume 285, pp. 707-725, 2020.
Goerigk, M.; Maher, S.J.: Generating Hard Instances for Robust Combinatorial Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 280, Issue 1, pp. 34-45, 2020.
Hollermann, D. E.; Goerigk, M.; Hoffrogge, D. F.; Hennen, M.; Bardow, A.: Flexible here-and-now decisions for two-stage multi-objective optimization: Method and application to energy system design selection. To appear in Optimization and Engineering, 2020.
Hughes, M.; Goerigk, M.; Dokka, T.: Particle swarm metaheuristics for robust optimisation with implementation uncertainty. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 122, 2020.
Jahn, K.; Kordyaka, B.; Scholz, T.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Gamified Helping? The Impact of Individualized and Group-Level Cooperative Evaluation on Knowledge Sharing. 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), Potsdam, Germany.
Klein, H. C.: Oschinsky, F.; Weber, S.; Niehaves, B.(2020): MUSE - Towards a Concept of Inspiring Ambient Technology Driven by Artificial Intelligence. 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020), Dubai. UAE.
Klein, H. C.; Oschinsky, F.; Webe, S.; Kordyaka, B.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Beyond the Obvious - Towards a Creativity Support System using AI-driven Inspiration. 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), Salt Lake City, USA.
Knop, M.; Mueller, M.; Freude, H.; Ressing, C.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Perceived Limitations of Telemedicine from a Phenomenological Perspective. 33rd Bled eConference, Maribor, Slovenia.
Kordyaka, B.; Hribersek, S.; Kruse, B.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Understanding Brand Loyalty - The Case of the eSports Consumer from a Relationship Quality Perspective. 4th International Conference for Gamification Research (GamiFIN 2020), Levi Finland.
Kordyaka, B.; Jahn, K.; Hribersek, S.; Klein, H.; Hiehaves, B. (2020): Two Faced Users? Exploring Motivational Taxonomies of Playful System. 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), Salt Lake City, USA.
Kordyaka, B.; Jahn, M.; Niehave, B. (2020): Implicit Learning in Video Games - Intergroup Contact and Multicultural Competencies. 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), Potsdam, Germany.
Kordyaka, B.; Jahn, K.; Niehaves, B. (2020): To Diversify or Not? Uncovering the Effects of Identification and Media Engagement on Franchise Loyalty in eSports. In: International Journal on Media Management, 22(1), pp. 49-66.
Kordyaka, B.; Jahn, K.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Towards a Unified Theory of Toxic Behavior in Video Games. Internet Research, 30(4), pp. 1081-1102.
Kordyaka, B.; Klein, H. C.; Jahn, K.; Hribersek, S.; Niehaves, B. (2020): A Matter of the Person or the Situation? Structuring Motivational Affordances of Gamification Elements, 4th International Conference for Gamification Research (GamiFIN 2020), Levi, Finland.
Kordyaka, B.; Kruse, B.; Jahn, K.; Niehaves, B. (2020):Why am I Watching? Capturing the Interplay of Social and Technological Aspects of Online Live Streaming. 4th Internationa lConference for Gamification Research (GamiFIN 2020), Levi, Finland.
Machulska, A.; Eiler, T.J.; Grünewald, A.; Brück, R.; Jahn, K.; Niehaves, B.; Ullrich, H.; Klucken, T. (2020): Promoting smoking abstinence in smokers willing to quit smoking through Virtual Reality-Approach Bias Tetraining: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. In: Trials.
Mauksch, T.; Stache, U.; Wildraut, L.: Planung von Kommissioniersystemen. Werkstattstechnik online, (2020) in Vorbereitung.
Moog, Petra; Soost, Christian (2020): Does term diversity really matter? The interaction of team diversity, access to financial resources, network, and performance of universityspin-offs. Accepted in Small Business Economics SBE, in Print.
Mueller, M.; Knop, M.; Niehaves, B.; Adarkwah, C.C. (2020): Investigating the Acceptance of Video Consultation by Patients in Rural Primary Care: An Empirical Comparison of Pre-users and Actual Users. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Medical Informatics.
Mueller, M.; Knop, M.; Ressing, C.; Freude, H.; Oschinsky, F.; Klein, H. C.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Constituting Factors of a Digitally Influenced Relationship between Patients and Primary Care Physicians in Rural Areas. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), USA, Hawaii.
Oschinsky, F.; Mueller, M.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Demigods of Technology Use - How Beating the Overconfidence Bias Can Prevent Medical Errors. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), USA, Hawaii.
Ressing, C.; Freude, H.; Mueller, M.; Knop, M.; Weber, S.; Forstmeier, S.; Niehaves, B. (2020): How Much Exercise Do You Have to Do to Drink a Glass of Coke? A Health Action Process Approach in Virtual Reality. 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), Potsdam, Germany.
Ressing, C.; Müller, M.; Knop, M.; Freude, H.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Building Digital Bridge: Exploring the Digitized Collaboration of General Practitioners and Mobile Care in Rural Areas. 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), Salt Lake City, USA.
Rulf, Julian; Moog, Petra; Wolff, Sven; Felden, Birgit (2020): Back to the Roots: Applying the Concept of Individual Human Values to Understand Family Firm Behavior. In Family Business Review FBR.
Saßmannshausen, T.; Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.; Weßel, P.: Lean Production Leader, in: wt Werkstattstechnik-online, 110, Nr. 07-08, S. 556-562, 2020.
Schlepphorst, Susanne; Burer, Elizabeth C.; Moog, Petra; Werner, Arndt; Soost, Christian (2020):International assignments - A breeding ground for self-employment? Accepted to International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, in Print.
Stelter, A.; Kaping, C.; Oschinsky, F. M.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Theoretical Foundations on Technology Acceptance and Usage in Public Administrations. Investigating Bounded Acceptance and Usage of New Technology by Employees. International Conference on Digital Government Research, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Weber, S.; Freude, H.; Ressing, C.; Niehaves, B. (2020): Motivating for Healthier Drinking Behavior: Applying the Health Action Process Approach in Virtual Reality. 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2020, Dubai, UAE.
Weber, S.; Klesel, M.; Oschinsky, F. M.; Niehaves, B. (2020): How Autonomy is Used in Information Systems Research: Status Quo and Prospective Opportunities. 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), USA, Hawaii.
Weisser, T.; Saßmannshausen, T.; Ohrndorf, D.; Burggräf, P.; Wagner, J.: A clustering approach for topic filtering within systematic literature reviews, in: MethodsX, Volume 7, pp. 61-66, 2020.
Wolff, Sven; Schell, Sabrina, Moog, Petra (2020): Information Asymmetries in Intrafamily Succession - a Quantitative Approach. Business Research Quarterly, Conditionally accepted.
Wolff, Sven; Schell, Sabrina; Moog, Petra (2020): Contracts between family members: Business Succession from a contractual view. Accepted in Journal of Small Business Managment, in Print.
Zeuge, A.; Oschinsky, F.; Weigel, A.; Schlechtinger, M; Niehaves, B. (2020): Leading Virtual Teams - A Literature Review. New Future of Work, Redmond, Washington, USA.
Brandt, R., Busch, A. (2019). Fracture Toughness and Strength of the Interface of an Intrinsic Hybrid Laminate. In: 2nd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Exhibition
Chassein, A., Dokka, T., Goerigk, M. (2019). Algorithms and uncertainty sets for data-driven robust shortest path problems. In: European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 274, Isse 2, 16 April 2019, Pages 671-686.
Geisler, T., Manns, M. (2019). Examinations on the Grain Size / Scattered Light Value Relation of Extruded Aluminium A1MgSi0.5. In: Pract. Metallogr. Vol. 56/3, S. 171-187.
Hiebl M.R.W., Duller C., Neubauer H. (2019). Enterprise risk management in family firms: evidence from Austria and Germany. In:The Journal of Risk Finance, 20(1), 39-58
Hiebl M.R.W., Mayrleitner B. (2019). Professionalization of management accounting in family firms: the impact of afmily members. In: Review of Managerial Science, 13(5), in press.
Hoffmann, S., de Carvalho, A., Abele, N., Schweitzer, M., Tolmie, P., Wulf, V. (2019). Cyber-Physical Systems for Knowledge and Expertise Sharing in Manufacturing Contexts: Towards a Model Enabling Design. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). 10.1007/s10606-01909355-y.
Hughes, M., Goerigk, M., Wright, M.(2019). A Largest Empty hypersphere metaheuristic for robust optimisation with implementation uncertainty. Computers & Operations Research. Volume 103, March 2019. Pages 64-80.
Moog, P., Ruf, J., Belausteguigoitia, I. (2019). Values and Antecedents of Socio-Emotional Wealth Behavior in Family Business. In: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB). Accepted, in print.
Reintjes C., Hartisch, M., Lorenz U. (2019). Design and Optimization for Additive Manufacturing of Cellular Structures using Linear Optimization. In: Rodrigues H. et. al(eds) EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. EngOpt 2018. Springer, Cam.
Schell, S., de Groote, J., Moog, P., Hack, A. (2019, accepted for publication). Successor Selection in Family Business - a Signaling Game. In: Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Tuli, T. B., Manns, M. (2019). Hierarchical motion control for real time simulation of industrial robots. In: Procedia CIRP, Vol. 81, S. 713-718.
Weber J. B., Lorenz U. (2019). Algorithmic System Design of Termofluid Systems. In: Rodrigues H. et. al(eds) EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. EngOpt 2018. Springer, Cam.
Wildraut, L., Stache, U., Mauksch, T. (2019). Planung von Produktionsversorgungssystemen. In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, Heft 4, S. 167-172.
Dorfer, Laura (2018): Erfolgsstrategien datenzentrischer Geschäftsmodelle: Eine explorative Untersuchung aus ressourcen-orientierter Perspektive. Wiesbaden
Hartisch M., Herbst A., Lorenz U., Weber J.B. (2018) Towards Resilient Process Networks - Designing Booster Stations via Quantified Programming. Accepted: Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2018), November 15 – 16, 2018, Darmstadt, Germany.
Reintjes C., Hartisch M., Lorenz U. (2018) Method for Generation of Cellular Structures in Design by linear Optimization for Additive Manufacturing. Submitted To: Operation Research Proceedings 2018. Operations Research Proceedings (GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.)). Springer, Cham
Weber J.B. C., Lorenz U. (2018) Modeling Thermofluid Systems – An Approach Customized for Optimization. Submitted To: Operation Research Proceedings 2018. Operations Research Proceedings (GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.)). Springer, Cham.
Moog, Petra (2018): Emotional Wealth Behavior in Family Business. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB).
Schell, Sabrina; Hiepler, Miriam; Moog, Petra (2018): Who do we know? Intergenerational social capital in family firms and the impact on technology management. Paper conditionally accepted in Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Werner, Arndt; Moog, Petra (2018): Why do Employees Leave Their Jobs for Self-Employment? – The Effect of Job Quality Conditions Moderated by Firm Size. Conditionally accepted: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Klesel, M., Kampling, H., Bretschneider, U., Niehaves, B. (2018). Does the Ability to Choose Matter? On the Relationship between Bring Your Own Behavior and IT Satisfaction. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Heger, O., Niehaves, B., Kampling, H. (2018). The value declaration: a method for integrating human values into design-oriented research projects. In: Ethics and Information Technology, pp 1–4, Print ISSN 1388-1957, Online ISSN 1572-8439.
Bretschneider, U., Hartmann, M., Leimeister, J.M. (2018). Keep them alive! Design and Evaluation of the "Community Fostering Reference Model. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
Peffers K., Tuure Tuunanen T., Niehaves B. (2018). Design science research genres: introduction to the special issue on exemplars and criteria for applicable design science research.In: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS 2018), 27:2, pp. 129-139.
Mueller, M., Heger, O. (2018). Health at any Cost? Investigating Ethical Dimensions and Potential Conflicts of an Ambulatory Therapeutic Assistance System through Value Sensitive Design. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018). San Francisco, USA.
Kordyaka, B. (2018). Digital Poison – Approaching a Theory of Toxic Behavior in MOBA Games. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2018), San Francisco, USA
Kordyaka, B., Jahn, K., Niehaves, B. (2018). Purchase Intentions in League of Legends? The Role of Individual and Cultural Differences for Explaining Social Identification. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2018 (GET 2018), Madrid, Spain.
Kordyaka, B., Mueller, M., Jahn, K., Heger, O., Niehaves, B. (2018). Costumes in League of Legends - Replicating Findings from Cyworld and Habbo. In: Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, USA.
Mueller, M., Heger, O., Niehaves, B. (2018). Exploring Ethical Design Dimensions of a Physiotherapeutic mHealth Solution through Value Sensitive Design. In: Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, USA.
Jahn K., Kampling H., Klein H. C., Kuru Y., Niehaves B. (2018) . Towards an Explanatory Design Theory for Context-dependent Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of the 22th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018), Yokohama, Japan.
Klesel, M., Narjes, N., and Niehaves, B. (2018). Conceptualizing IT Resilience: An Explorative Approach. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Lüneburg, Germany.
Mueller, M., Heger, O., Niehaves, B. (2018). Investigating Ethical Design Requirements for Digitalized Healthcare Support: The Case of Ambulatory Physiotherapeutic Assistance Systems. In: Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Big Island, Hawaii.
Kampling, H. (2018). The Role of Virtual Reality in Individual Learning. In: Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Big Island, Hawaii.
Oschinsky F. M., Lemmer K., Klein H. C., Hoffmann J., Niehaves, B. (2018). Digitalisierungsstrategien für Kommunen. In: Proceedings of the 10th Konferenz für betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme für Smart Cities und Smart Regions (BUIS-Tage 2018), Oldenburg, Germany.
Oschinsky F. M., Lemmer K., Klein H. C., Hoffmann J., Niehaves, B. (2018). Digital Strategies for Municipalities: Digitization as a Collaborative Task. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 2018), Venice, Italy.
de Carvalho, F.A., Hoffmann, S., Schweitzer, M., Abele, N.D., Wulf, V.: Of Embodied Action and Sensors: Knowledge and Expertise Sharing in Industrial Set-Up, Computer Supported Cooperative Work 27(3), May 2018 DOI: 10.1007/s10606-018-9320-6
Hoberg, Philipp (2017): Die Individualisierung des Informationsangebots im E-Commerce: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Generierung strategischer Wettbewerbsvorteile. Wiesbaden.
Gärisch, André (2017): Das TV-Format als Media Brand: Entwurf eines Modells zur identitätsorientierten Medienmarkenbildung in der Fernsehwirtschaft. Wiesbaden
J. B. Weber, U. Lorenz (2017): Optimizing Booster Stations. In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO'17). ACM, New York, NY USA, 1303- 1310. DOI:
N.D. Abele, F.W. Baumann, S. Hoffmann, T. Ludwig, D. Roller (2017): Model-Data Streaming for Additive Manufacturing Securing Intellecual Property. In: Smart Sustain. Manuf. Systems 1 (1), S.
N.D. Abele, S. Hoffmann, A.F. Pinatti de Carvalho (2017): Herausforderungen des Wirssensmanagements im Rahmen betrieblicher Rüstprozesse. In: Proceedings 9. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement, April 2017, Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe, S. 109.
Petzold, K.; Moog, P. (2017): What shapes the intention to study abroad? An experimental approach. Higher Education.
Konrad, Elmar D.; Moog, Petra & Rentschler, Ruth (2017): Cultural Entrepreneurship and the New Arts Management, 136 pages, International Journal of Arts Management.
Konrad, Elmar D.; Moog, Petra & Rentschler, Ruth (2017): Cultural Entrepreneurship and the New Arts Management, 1-5, International Journal of Arts Management.
Soost, C.; Moog, P. (2017): Gender and organizational performance in business succession. Under Review: Journal of Family Business Strategy.
Wolff, S.; Schell,S.; Moog, P. (2017): Information asymmetries in Entrepreneurial and Family Firms. Journal of Family Business Research.
Bretschneider, U., Leimeister, J.M. (2017): Not Just An Ego Trip: Exploring Backers' Motivation for Funding in Incentive-Based Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS).
Klesel, M., Lemmer, K., Bretschneider, U., Niehaves, B. (2017). Transgressive Use of Technology. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Seoul, South Korea.
Kordyaka, B., Mueller, M., Niehaves, B. (2017). MOBA as a Stage: Explaining Purchase Behavior through different Strategies of Self-Presentation. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY) 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Jahn, K., Heger, O., Kampling, H., Stanik, K. Niehaves, B. (2017). Designing for Knowledge-Based Familiarity, Trust, and Acceptance: The Case of Affective Technology. In: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Guimarães, Portugal, ISBN 978-989- 207655.
Jahn, K., Kordyaka, B., Heger, O., Kampling, H., Niehaves, B. (2017), Feedback, Affect, and Mediated Communication: Towards an Explanatory Design Theory, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (DESRIT 2017), Karlsruhe, Germany ISBN 978-3-319-59143-8.
Heger, O.; Jahn, K.; Lemmer, K.; Niehaves, B. (2017): E-Kompetenzen in der Verwaltung vermitteln, in: Innovative Verwaltung, Ausgabe 3/2017.
Heger, O., Jahn, K., Mueller, M., Niehaves, B. (2017). Making Use of Facebook Comments for Upstream Engagement: A Systematic Approach. In: Proceedings of the Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE/ETHICOMP 2017), Turin, Italy.
Schweitzer, M.; Schweitzer, M. (2017): On the work of Erich Kosiol,in: Journal of Business Administration, Kwangsei Gakuin University, 64(3).
Martini, A.; Mauksch, T.; Stache, U. (2017): Zielgerichtete, simulationsgestützte Optimierung von Routenzugsystemen, in: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. [Hrsg.] Simulation in Produktion und Logistik, Kassel, Kassel University Press GmbH, S. 279-286.
Martini, A.; Mauksch, T.; Stache, U. (2017): Application-oriented Optimization of Internal Milk-run Systems, in: Viles et al. [Hrsg.] Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, S. 141-151.
Abele, N.D.; Hoffmann, S.; Kuhnhen, C.; Ludwig, T.; Schweitzer, M.; Wulf, V. (2016): Supporting the Set-up Processes by Cyber Elements based on the Example of Tube Bending, Informatik 2016 - Informatik von Menschen für Menschen, GI-Edition-Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), S. 1627-1636.
Abele, N.D.; Engel, T.; Hoffmann, S.; Hupertz, M.; Kuhnhen, C.; Schulte, L.; Schweitzer, M.;Sckudlarek, J.S.; Thilo, S.; Selter, O.; Wulf, V. (2016): Das qualifizierte Erfahrungswissen der Maschinenbediener wird festgehalten, in: Blechnet - Das Branchen-Magazin, Ausg. 5; Oktober 2016, Vogel Business Media, S. 24-25.
Moog, P. (2016): Entrepreneurship and Network Management. Special Issue, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing IJEV - Int. J. Entrepreneurial Venturing, Vol. 8, No. 1, 121 pages.
Heger, O.; Kordyaka, B.; Klesel, M.; Niehaves, B.; (2016): Zwischen "Laissez-Faire" und "Nine-to-Five". Forschung für vernatwortungsvolle Kommunikation im Unternehmen, in: Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), Vol. 25(3), S. 55-58.
Niehaves, B.; Klesel,M.; Jahn, K.; Heger, O. (2016): IT-Cosumerization-Fluch oder Segen für die Zukunft der öffentlichen Verwaltung?, in: PublicGovernanc - Zeitschrift für öffentliches Management, Ausgabe Herbst 2016, S. 16-18.
Niehaves, B.; Ortbach, K. (2016): The Inner and the Outer Model in Explanatory Design Theory: The Case of Designing Electronic Feedback Systems, in: European Journal of Information Systems, S. 1-14.
Kampling, H.; Heger, O.; Niehaves, B. (2016): Computer die Gefühle verstehen - Zur Akzeptanz affektiver Technologien, Universität Siegen, Siegen.
Becker, J.; Greger, V.; Heger, O.; Jahn, K.; Krcmar, H.; Müller, H.; Niehaves, B.; Ogonek, N.; Räckers, M.; Schuppan, T.; Zepic, R. (2016): E-Government-Kompetenz. Studie im Auftrag des IT-Planungsrats, Berlin, München, Münster, Siegen 2016.
Abele, N.D.; Hoffmann, S.; Kuhnhen, C.; Ludwig, Th.; Schäfer, W.; Schweitzer, M.; Wulf, V. (2016): Supporting the Set-up Processes by Cyber Elements based on the Example of Tube Bending, in: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, S. 15-21.
Lorenz, U.; Wolf, J.: Solving Multistage Quantified Linear Optimization Problems with the Alph-beta nested Benders Decomposition, in: EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, S. 1-22, Springer 2015
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Open Book Accounting als Problem der Kalkulation und Kostenmanagementgestaltung bei Zulieferunternehmen der Automotive Industrie, in: Wolfgang Becker/Patrick Ulrich (Hrsg.), BWL im Mittelstand, S. 345-358, Stuttgart 2015
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Erfolgs- und Kostencontrolling in KMU - Mittelstandgerechte Gestaltung des Controllinginstrumentariums zwischen operativer Dringlichkeit und strategischer Notwendigkeit, in: Wolfgang Becker/Patrick Ulrich (Hrsg.), BWL im Mittelstand, S. 329-344, Stuttgart 2015
Niehaves, B.; Köffer, S.; Ortbach, K.: Gefährliche Ignoranz? – Bring-Your-Own-Device, IT Consumerization und Co in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Berlin: Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. (Hrsg.), 2015
Becker, J.; Niehaves, B.; Pöppelbuß, J.; Ortbach, K.; Plattfaut, R.; Voigt, M.; Malsbender, A.: Service Design: Mit der Quadromo-Methode von der Idee zum Konzept, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2015
Plattfaut, R.; Niehaves, B.; Voigt M.; Malsbender A.; Ortbach, K.; Poeppelbuss J.: Service Innovation Performance and Information Technology: An Empirical Analysis from the Dynamic Capability Perspective, in: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 19, August 2015.
Köffer, S.; Ortbach, K.; Junglas, I.; Niehaves, B.; Harris, J.: Innovation Through BYOD? The Influence of IT Consumerization on Individual IT Innovation Behavior, in: Business and Information Systems Engineering, Ausgabe 3/2015, Springer-Verlag
Pelz, P.F.; Lorenz, U.; Ludwig, G.: - Besser geht's nicht! - TOR plant das energetisch optimale Fluidsystem, in: chemie & more (1/2014)
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Dezentrales Erfolgscontrolling für den Mittelstand - Taktischer Einsatz von Controllinginstrumenten auf dem Prüfstand, in: Controlling, Heft 4/5 2014, S. 252-257.
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Auf leisen Sohlen an die Weltspitze - Zur Vorbildeignung der Erfolgsstrategien regionaler Weltmarktführer, in: DIAGONAL, Zeitschrift der Universität Siegen, Jahrgang 2013, Heft 34 zum Thema "Schaut auf diese Region! Südwestfalen als Fall und Typ", S. 133-151 (V&R unipress: ISBN 978-3-8471-0143-7).
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Demografiekonformes Controlling - Produkt- und personalpolitische Implikationen des vielschichtigen Problems demografischer Wandel aus Controllingsicht, in: Göke, M.; Heupel, T. (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftliche Implikationen des demografischen Wandels, Wiesbaden 2012.
Hauser, C.; Moog, P.; Werner, A.: Early internationalization of start-ups, team matching and changes in team size. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15(1): 23-38, 2012.
Moog, P.; Mirabella, D.; Schlepphorst, S.: Owner orientations and strategies and their impact on family business. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 13(2011)1: 95-112.
Moog, P.; Felden, B.: Does bank perception of abilities and human capital affect access to loans for business successors? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 14(1): 77-98, 2011.
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Mittelstandskonformes Erfolgscontrolling vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels, Siegener betriebswirtschaftlicher Beitrag R&C Nr. 51/2011
Häußermann, B.; Hefeker, C.; Letmathe, P.; Uebe-Emden, N.: Die Bedeutung der Hausbank für den Mittelstand: Eine empirische Studie für die Region Siegen-Wittgenstein, in: Kathan, D.; Letmathe, P.; Mark, K.; Schulte, R.; Tchouvakhina, M.V.; Wallau, F. (Hrsg.): Wertschöpfungsmanagement im Mittelstand: Tagungsband des Forums der deutschen Mittelstandstagung. Wiesbaden 2010, S. 267-285.
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Veränderungen des Wertschöpfungsmanagements in der Automobilindustrie - Implikationen für das Erfolgs- und Kostencontrolling der mittelständisch geprägten Zulieferindustrie, in: Kathan, D.; Letmathe, P.; Schulte, R.; Tchouvakhina, M.V.; Wallau, F. (Hrsg.): Wertschöpfungsmanagement im Mittelstand: Tagungsband des Forums der deutschen Mittelstandstagung. Wiesbaden 2010, S. 179-197.
Hoch, G.; Soost, C.: Planung und Durchführung einer mittelständischen Direktinvestition in Polen am Beispiel der Produktionsverlagerung eines Zulieferunternehmens, Siegener Betriebswirtschaftlicher Beitrag R&C Nr. 50/2010.
Zielinski, M.; Schweitzer,M.: Vergleichende Betrachtung von Lernvorgängen in administrativen Bereichen von KMU, in: Kathan, D.; Letmathe, P.; Mark, K.; Schulte, R.; Tchouvakhina, M.V.; Wallau, F. (Hrsg.): Wertschöpfungsmanagement im Mittelstand: Tagungsband des Forums der deutschen Mittelstandstagung. Wiesbaden 2010, S. 413-430.
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Ausrichtung strategischen Managements in KMU - Wettbewerbsstrategien und strategiekonforme Controllinginstrumente auf dem Prüfstand, in: Volker Lingnau (Hrsg.), Mittelstandscontrolling, Lohmar-Köln 2009, S. 75-96
Jacobs, J.; Letmathe, P.; Urigshardt, T.; Zielinski, M.: Typologiebezogene Controllinganforderungen und -instrumente von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen des produzierenden Gewerbes, in: Müller, D. (Hrsg.): Controlling für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, München 2009, S. 29-54
Letmathe, P.; Schweitzer, M.; Uebe-Emden, N.: Studie über die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Krankenhäuser des Zweckverbandes der Krankenhäuser Südwestfalen e.V., Studie des Siegener Mittelstandsinstitutes im Auftrag der Zweckverbandes der Krankenhäuser Südwestfalen e.V., Siegen 2009
Moog, P.; Felden, B. (2009): Humankapital als Zugangsfaktor zur Finanzierung von Unternehmensnachfolgen: Theorie und Empirie. Eingereicht in: ZfB, 2009, angenommen, in print.
Moog, P.; Mirabella, D.; Schlepphorst, S. (2008/2009): Owner orientations and strategies and their impact on family business. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008/2009, angenommen, in print.
Moog, P.; Backes-Gellner, U.: The impact of Labour Market Regulations on Potential Entrepreneurs in Germany. International Journal of Technology Management IJTM, 2009, accepted.
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Dezentralisiertes anreizorientiertes Kostenmanagement in der mittelständischen Automobil-Zulieferindustrie, in: Controlling, Heft 1/2008, S. 23-30
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Selbstcontrolling im Projektkostenmanagement von KMU - Ein anreizorientiert erweitertes Controllerbild - (gemeinsam mit Thomas Heupel), in: Volker Lingnau (Hrsg.), Die Rolle des Controllers im Mittelstand, Lohmar - Köln 2008, S. 25-47
Hoch, G.; Heupel, T.: Anmerkungen zu Stand und Entwicklung des Erfolgs- und Kostencontrolling in der mittelständischen Automobilzulieferindustrie, Siegener Betriebswirtschaftlicher Beitrag R&C Nr. 48/2008
Urigshardt, T.; Jacobs, J.; Letmathe, P.: Externes Controlling als Ansatz für Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen?, in: Lingnau (Hrsg.): Die Rolle des Controllers im Mittelstand, Tagungsband zur Controlling-Mittelstands-Konferenz 2008, Lohmar 2008, S. 1-23
Moog, P.; Backes-Gellner, U.: Social Capital and the willingness to become self-employed: Is there a difference between women and men? Journal of International Studies of Management and Organization (ISMO), 2008, in print.