Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen
Tel.: +49 271/740-3002
Postanschrift/Postal address
Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen
57068 Siegen
Our Service: Availability and programs of the Language Center
We constantly adapt our service according to the currently effective regulations.
Contact for students: Via e-mail/telephone and via video conference with an appointment. Contact informationen can be found on our staff page.
Language courses and workshops: We offer face-to-face and digital course models. Information will be given out via e-mail and unisono before the courses start.
Movie Nights: Take place in a hybrid format this summer term
Tandem program: Face-to-face and digital – Registration for the summer term until April 18th, 2022.
Language Café: Language and cultural exchange through joint discussions and games - in SoSe 22 again in SESAM (with coffee and cookies) as well as in digital format.
Excursions: Summer School Rom August 2022 and Summer School Sevilla also in August 2022.