Additional Institutions and Representative Bodies
Ethics Council
The Council of Research Ethics (Ethics Council) of the University of Siegen (see Official Report No. 12/2015) is available to researchers at the University of Siegen for research ethics questions, particularly concerning the ethical considerations of opportunities and risks. It assesses and evaluates research projects according to ethical criteria, mainly regarding the protection of human dignity as well as the autonomy and self-determination of people involved in research projects. The council also gives opinions on individual research projects (§ 2 sect. 2).
The Ethics Council consists of at least 3 members, who belong to the University of Siegen. There is also a substitute for each member. The members of the Ethics Council are appointed by the rectorate for a period of three years (§ 3).
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Plasger (Faculty I); Acting deputy: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dagmar Hoffmann (Faculty I)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Foysi (Faculty IV); Acting deputy: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Kluth (Faculty IV)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julia Haberstroh (Faculty II); Acting deputy: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerd Morgenthaler (Faculty III)
Diana Tschebotarew (Division 3)
Telephone: 0271 / 740-4819
Ombuds System
The "Ombudsman System for the Safeguarding of Good Scientific Practice" of the University of Siegen (see Official Notice No. 128/2015) consists of the ombudspersons, an ombudsman board and an investigation commission.
Ombudsperson and Ombudsman Board
From each of the four schools a professor is appointed as ombudsperson. The ombudspersons are contact persons in cases of allegations of scientific misconduct. At the same time, they form the ombudsman board. The task of the ombudspersons is to mediate between the parties involved, as far as is possible, and can be justified objectively.
In addition, the ombudspersons act as contacts in cases of problems and conflicts within the framework of supervisory relationships
Ombudspersons / Members of the Ombudsman Board:
- Faculty I: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kuhn
- Faculty II: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann
- Faculty III: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter
- Faculty IV: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Ihmels
Comission of Inquiry
The Commission of Inquiry, whose members are elected by the Senate, has the task of formally clarifying the allegations of scientific misconduct, whenever the ombudsman board submits a procedure to the commission.
Professors (one of them with a proficiency in the judicial office, whereby Faculties I-IV must be represented with at least one member, each), two academic staff, a graduate student, as well as an employee from technical and administrative staff.
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (Faculty I)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter (Faculty III)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Buchmann (Faculty II)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Brandt (Faculty IV)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerd Morgenthaler (Faculty III)
Academic staff:
- Dr.-Ing. Kai Hahn (Fakultät IV)
- Katharina Gimbel (Fakultät II)
- Maximilian Eller (Fakultät II)
Technical and administrative:
- Dr. Stefanie Scharf (Fakultät I)
Diana Tschebotarew (Division 3)
Telephone: 0271 / 740-4819
Board of Trustees
The central tasks of the Board of Trustees are to promote the university’s regional integration and advise the Rectorate, the University Council and the Senate, particularly concerning the university development plan. Furthermore, the board promotes the interests of the university in the public sphere, especially in the city of Siegen and its surrounding region, and supports the university’s cooperation with municipal and national bodies.