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Guiding Principle of the University of Siegen

The overall goal of the University of Siegen is to contribute to a humane future and to take responsibility for people and society. This is reflected in the guiding principle of the University of Siegen: shaping a humane future.

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It is in the self-concept of the University of Siegen to link regional responsibility for education, training and societal issues with the internationally customary claims on teaching, study, research and knowledge transfer, and to pursue the evolution of these issues as a permanent task.

This includes:

  • the targeted promotion of students and young academics
  • the independence and freedom of scientific research and teaching
  • the promotion of the idea of the European Higher Education Area, internationality and mobility
  • the interdisciplinary research and teaching
  • the professionalisation of teacher training
  • the establishment of a quality culture
  • the commitment to diversity and equal opportunities
  • as well as the principle of participation and co-responsibility.

Here you will find the the development plan of the University of Siegen.

Studies and Teaching

The University of Siegen has gained in attractiveness in the past few years – as the significant increase in student numbers proves. From architecture to business engineering, the university offers a versatile, high-quality program.

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There are possibilities for setting individual priorities and interdisciplinary study components across all study programs. Students receive individual and competent support and advice - from the choice of courses to the organisation and successful completion of their studies. They have many opportunities at the university to get actively involved and apply that which was learned.

The University of Siegen has interesting research areas, which are taught in corresponding degree programs. The offer is also characterized by numerous extraordinary study programs, which in their combination form a unique feature, nationwide. One example is the study program "Plural Economics", which also imparts knowledge in areas such as communication, ethics or organizational development.

The University of Siegen has interesting research foci, which are taught in corresponding courses of studies. In addition, the offer is characterized by numerous extraordinary courses of studies, which in their combination form a unique selling point nationwide. One example is the "Plural Economics" course, which, in addition to business management knowledge, also teaches knowledge in areas such as communication, ethics or organisational development.

The various study programs in the field of media sciences are very popular. A large number of students choose the University of Siegen as a place of study in order to profit from the broad and well-founded range of courses offered.

A further profile area is the outstanding teacher training with focus on special education. The Center for Teacher Training and Educational Research (ZLB) coordinates and organizes, as a central scientific institution of the university, the interdisciplinary teacher education courses across the different schools.

With its course "German and European Economic Law", the university has successfully introduced another innovative approach. The study combines business administration with economic law and thus represents an alternative to classical study programs. The University of Siegen also offers a series of English language courses as an internationally oriented university..


The University of Siegen is a research university with the goal of promoting and expanding qualitatively excellent, internationally recognized research. The leitmotif "Shaping the future in a human way" characterizes the mission and the actions.

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Four internationally visible and interdisciplinary profile areas and research foci focus the university's profile in research. They are characterized by long-standing research strengths in basic research. In addition, there are three areas of competence in which the university supports research activities that pick up on forward-looking trends and shape and help shape new areas of research.

The profile and competence areas can be found here.


Sustainability mission statement of the University of Siegen

Sustainability in its broadest sense refers to all efforts to shape human activities in such a way that the systems affected by these activities are permanently protected from damage, especially from irreversible depletion of resources, and that nature and society are preserved as livable environments for us as well as for future generations.

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Sustainability is undisputedly a central topic of the present, which is reflected in the thinking and actions of the University of Siegen. Taking responsibility and acting as a role model for this is already laid out in the university's mission statement "Shaping the future humanely" and permeates all of its service areas:

  • The University of Siegen pursues sustainability in research.
  • The University of Siegen anchors sustainability in teaching.
  • The University of Siegen strengthens its own sustainable actions and the sustainability of its infrastructures.
  • The University of Siegen transfers the idea of sustainability to its regional environment and incorporates its self-image.

All members of the University of Siegen are committed to this sustainability model.

The University of Siegen's sustainability model is implemented against the background of its specific profile, which is oriented towards both society and basic research. Within the university, this is characterized by academic structures that allow for an interlocking of sustainability-related research, teaching and cooperation in and with the environment in the sense of transdisciplinary reflection. From an external perspective, the University of Siegen is integrated into international and regional networks with the context specifics of the rural area. This results in a characteristic combination for the University of Siegen:

  • Networking with actors in the entire research cycle and project-based teaching concepts - regional to international.
  • Civil society participative formats with direct resonance and feedback
  • Possibility to create internal and external sustainability laboratories.

The University of Siegen combines theory-oriented basic research and application research and positions itself in many ways as a participant observer: On the one hand, the university as an institution addresses the topic of sustainability with a focus on "realization in a university"; in other words, it tracks and evaluates its own sustainability activities under the criterion of sustainability. On the other hand, the University of Siegen scientifically accompanies how sustainability impacts from a region into a region. It observes and moderates in a praxeological-reflexive process, in which all relevant participants are involved, how people shape the connection between intentions and consequences of sustainable action.

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