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Excursion Haus der Geschichte Bonn

 Come with us to Bonn!

On 8th September 2022 SieguVer is offering a full day excursion to the "Haus der Geschichte", a museum about German history in Bonn.

We will meet up at 8:20 in the morning at Siegen Hauptbahnhof (Gleis 55) and take the train to Bonn together. There, we will be attending a guided tour in English through the current "Heimat" exhibition, which tackles question of home and refuge and tries to give a historical overview on when and how people found their home in Germany. Find further information here: https://www.hdg.de/haus.../ausstellungen/heimat-eine-suche

This excursion is free of charge. For the train ride, the semester ticket needs to be shown on request. Please note, that we only have limited places for this excursion; therefore a binding registration is necessary. First come, first serve!

For registration, please send an e-mail with your contact details (full name, field of studies and count of semesters) to sieguver@zv.uni-siegen.de due 5th September 2022.

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