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Tenure-track program at the University of Siegen

In 2019, the University of Siegen successfully participated in the second selection round of the tenure-track program. 13 tenure-track professorships will be funded at Siegen. The approved funding amount for the University of Siegen is almost 12.3 million euros.

The federal-state program for the promotion of young scientists (tenure-track program for short) is the first time that tenure-track professorships have been widely established at universities in Germany. For many young scientists, the path to a professorship will become much clearer and easier to plan: the tenure-track professorship is aimed at young scientists in the early stages of their careers and provides for an immediate transition to a lifetime professorship after a successful probationary phase.

Tenure-track means that upon appointment to a junior professorship or a temporary W2 university professorship, a binding commitment is made that in the case of successful tenure evaluation, the appointment will be to a permanent university professorship. The evaluation criteria to be fulfilled are already agreed upon at the time of appointment to the tenure-track professorship.

Current job advertisements can be found on the application portal of the University of Siegen.

Details on the procedure can be found in the tenure-track regulations of the University of Siegen, the appointment regulations and the guidelines for the interim evaluation of junior professors.

Click here to access the subject portal on the tenure-track program with a wealth of additional information and documents.

Contact persons:

  • Dr. Daniel Müller
    Head of House of Young Talents (Graduate Center of the University of Siegen)
    Operative project management of the tenure-track program at the University of Siegen
    E-Mail: daniel.mueller@uni-siegen.de
    Tel.: +49 271 740–5079

  • Dominik Lengeling
    Head of the Appointment Management Department, Permanent Staff, Professors
    E-Mail: dominik.lengeling@zv.uni-siegen.de
    Tel.: +49 271 740–4824
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