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Hiring requirements for professorships

Applicants for an advertised professorship must fulfill various hiring requirements:

  • The statutory standard hiring requirements (§ 36 HG NRW) (Higher Education Act),
  • The general requirements under civil service law and
  • The professional requirements for the specific position (requirements profile).

The statutory standard hiring requirements are derived from § 36 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia. Details on this and other procedural information for the respective type of position can be found below.

University professorship (W2 or W3, temporary or permanent)

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD
  4. additional scholarly performance that is evaluated exclusively and comprehensively in the appointment procedure; this performance is performed in the context of a junior professorship, a habilitation, or work as a scientific researcher at an institution of higher education or a non-university research institution, or in the context of scholarly work in business, administration, or in another area of society in Germany or abroad (the last half-sentence applies only to appointments to a first office for a university professorship)

In the case of appointment to a university professorship, junior professors from their own higher education institution (HEI) can as a rule only be taken into account in accordance with Section 37 (2) HG NRW if they have changed institutions of higher education after gaining their doctorate or have been academically active outside the appointing university for at least two years. Scientific researchers of their own institution of higher education can only be considered in justified exceptional cases and if the requirements of sentence 1 are also met, unless the requirement of selection of the best according to item 33 paragraph 2 of German Basic Law requires the appointment of the member of the institution of higher education.

The teaching load for university professors is 9 total number of hours per week during one semester, unless otherwise stated in the job advertisement.

University professor (W2 or W3, limited or unlimited) in artistic subjects

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD
  4. additional scholarly performance that is evaluated exclusively and comprehensively in the appointment procedure; this performance is performed in the context of a junior professorship, a habilitation, or work as a scientific researcher at an institution of higher education or a non-university research institution, or in the context of scholarly work in business, administration, or in another area of society in Germany or abroad (the last half-sentence applies only to appointments to a first office for a university professorship)

Particularity: In artistic subjects, the requirement under 3) can be replaced by evidence of a special aptitude for artistic work and the requirement under 4) by evidence of additional artistic achievements. The evidence of additional artistic achievements is usually provided by special achievements during five years of artistic work, of which at least three years must have been spent outside the university sector.

In the case of appointment to a university professorship, junior professors from their own higher education institution (HEI) can as a rule only be taken into account in accordance with Section 37 (2) HG NRW if they have changed institutions of higher education after gaining their doctorate or have been academically active outside the appointing university for at least two years. Scientific researchers of their own institution of higher education can only be considered in justified exceptional cases and if the requirements of sentence 1 are also met, unless the requirement of selection of the best according to item 33 paragraph 2 of German Basic Law requires the appointment of the member of the institution of higher education.

The teaching load for university professors is 9 total number of hours per week during one semester, unless otherwise stated in the job advertisement.

University professorship W2 for a fixed term with tenure track to a permanent university professorship (W2 or W3)

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD
  4. additional scholarly performance that is evaluated exclusively and comprehensively in the appointment procedure; this performance is performed in the context of a junior professorship, a habilitation, or work as a scientific researcher at an institution of higher education or a non-university research institution, or in the context of scholarly work in business, administration, or in another area of society in Germany or abroad (the last half-sentence applies only to appointments to a first office for a university professorship)

In accordance with Section 37 (2) HG NRW, junior professors from their own institution of higher education can generally only be considered for appointment to a university professorship if they have changed universities after gaining their doctorate or have worked academically outside the appointing institution of higher education for at least two years. Scientific researchers of the own institution of higher education can only be considered in justified exceptional cases and if in addition the requirements of sentence 1 are fulfilled, unless the requirement of selection of the best according to item 33 paragraph 2 of German Basic Law requires the appointment of the member of the institution of higher education. The the tenure-track regulations of the University of Siegen of the University of Siegen stipulate in this context that applicants should have undertaken to obtain their doctorate at another institution of higher education or should have been scientifically active outside the University of Siegen for at least two years after obtaining their doctorate at the University of Siegen.

Tenure Track procedure: he appointment is initially to a W2 temporary university professorship for 5 years. Upon appointment to the fixed-term W2 professorship, appointment to a subsequent permanent university professorship (W2 or W3, depending on the job advertisement) is promised on the condition that the tenure evaluation criteria established upon appointment to the fixed-term W2 professorship are met during the W2 professorship and that the professional and pedagogical suitability required for the subsequent permanent professorship is given at the time of the tenure evaluation. The tenure evaluation is carried out as an appointment procedure for the subsequent tenured professorship in the fifth year of the fixed-term W2 professorship, whereby the job advertisement of the tenured professorship is waived. The teaching load for university professors is 9 total number of hours per week during one semester, unless otherwise stated in the job advertisement.

The teaching load for university professors is 9 total number of hours per week during one semester, unless otherwise stated in the job advertisement.

Part-time university professorship (W2 or W3, limited or permanent)

Persons with the qualification for a university professorship may be employed part-time as a university professor in a private-law employment relationship. They are subject to the rules applicable to recruitment, official duties and other arrangements applicable to full-time professors. Therefore, the same statutory standard hiring requirements apply as for a (full-time) university professorship W2 or W3 (see above).

A part-time appointment is only deemed to exist if the professor is assigned less than half of the regular duties of a full-time professor. The teaching load for part-time university professors is therefore less than 4.5 total number of hours per week during one semester.

Junior professorship

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. 3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD

Junior professors shall initially be appointed as temporary civil servants for a period of three years in accordance with the provisions of the NRW Higher Education Act. The civil service relationship of the junior professor is to be extended for a further three years with his or her consent in the course of the third year if he or she has proven himself or herself as a university lecturer. The probation as a university teacher is examined in the third year of the junior professorship (so-called interim evaluation).

The teaching load for junior professors amount to a total number of 4 hours per week during one semester in the first 3 years, and a total number of 5 hours per week during one semester in the following 3 years.

Junior professorship in artistic subjects

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. 3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD

Particularity: The requirement under 3) can be replaced in artistic subjects by evidence of a special aptitude for artistic work.

Junior professors shall initially be appointed as temporary civil servants for a period of three years in accordance with the provisions of the NRW Higher Education Act. The civil service relationship of the junior professor is to be extended for a further three years with his or her consent in the course of the third year if he or she has proven himself or herself as a university lecturer. The probation as a university teacher is examined in the third year of the junior professorship (so-called interim evaluation).

The teaching load for junior professors amount to a total number of 4 hours per week during one semester in the first 3 years, and a total number of 5 hours per week during one semester in the following 3 years.

Junior professorship with tenure track to a permanent university professorship (W2 or W3)

  1. completed university studies
  2. pedagogical suitability, which is evidenced by corresponding educational background or which is established exceptionally in the appointment procedure
  3. 3. special aptitude for academic work, as a rule evidenced by the quality of a PhD

Tenure Track procedure: Upon appointment to the junior professorship, appointment to a subsequent permanent university professorship (W2 or W3, depending on the job advertisement) is promised on the condition, that the tenure evaluation criteria, which are defined at the time of appointment to the junior professorship, are met during the junior professorship and that the professional and pedagogical suitability required for the university professorship is given at the time of the tenure evaluation. The tenure evaluation is carried out as an appointment procedure for the subsequent tenured professorship in the sixth year of the fixed Junior professorship, whereby the job advertisement of the tenured professorship is waived.

With regard to the tenure track, it should be complied with that junior professors from their own institution of higher education can generally only be considered for appointment to a university professorship in accordance with Section 37 (2) HG NRW if they have changed institutions of higher education after obtaining their doctorate or have worked academically outside the appointing institution of higher education for at least two years. As junior professors of the own institution of higher education are always appointed to an institution of higher education professorship within the framework of the tenure track, the aforementioned requirement must then always already be fulfilled at the time of appointment to the junior professorship with tenure track. In this context the the tenure-track regulations of the University of Siegen, the of the University of Siegen stipulate that applicants for the junior professorship with tenure track should have undertaken to obtain their doctorate at another institution of higher education or should have worked academically outside the University of Siegen for at least two years after obtaining their doctorate at the University of Siegen.

The teaching load for junior professors amount to a total number of 4 hours per week during one semester in the first 3 years, and a total number of 5 hours per week during one semester in the following 3 years. The teaching load for the subsequent university professors is 9 total number of hours per week during one semester, unless otherwise stated in the job advertisement.

Additional information on joint appointments

The goal of joint appointments is the deepened cooperation between the University of Siegen and a non-university research institution through personnel connections and the joint recruitment of outstanding scientists. The basis of the cooperation is the common interests and goals of the University of Siegen and the respective non-university research institution. As a rule, the common framework is defined by a cooperation agreement.

Common models for joint appointments are in particular:

  • The reimbursement model („Berlin Model“):
    An appointment is made at the University of Siegen as a professor, usually as a civil servant, with simultaneous (possibly partial) assignment to a non-university research institution. The salary is paid by the University of Siegen. The non-university research institution reimburses the university for the personnel costs (if applicable, on a pro-rata basis) including a pension supplement. The rights and duties of the professor at the non-university research institution (except for remuneration) are regulated separately between them by contract. The teaching load at the University of Siegen is usually 2 total hours per week during one semester.
  • The leave of absence („Julich Model“):
    An appointment is made at the University of Siegen as a professor, usually as a civil servant, with simultaneous leave of absence for work at a non-university research institution. The professor concludes a contract of employment under private law with the non-university research institution. The remuneration is paid by the non-university research institution, which also pays a pension supplement (for the later retirement pension from the civil servant relationship) to the University of Siegen. The teaching load at the University of Siegen is usually 2 total hours per week during one semester.
  • The part-time model („Karlsruher Model“):
    An appointment is made at the University of Siegen as a professor, usually as a civil servant, with simultaneous (possibly partial) assignment to a non-university research institution. The salary is paid by the University of Siegen. The non-university research institution concludes a separate arrangement with the professor regarding the secondary employment and, as a rule, also regarding separate remuneration for the same. The teaching load at the University of Siegen at the University of Siegen is usually reduced.

In addition, the general requirements under civil service law must be met. In principle, professors are civil servants. For this purpose, the following requirements must be met:

Age limit (for civil service):

In principle, the maximum age limit for the employment of university professors in a civil service relationship is the age of 50. However, this maximum age limit is increased by law if certain circumstances are met, such as periods of military or civilian service, the actual care of a minor child or the actual care of a close relative in need of care. For severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities, the maximum age limit is 53. Special conditions may also apply, in particular, if applicants are already civil servants.
Compliance with the age limit is checked in each individual case when the appointment is made by the personnel administration.

Health suitability (for civil service):

Appointment to a civil service position requires health suitability. This is determined by a medical examination by a public health officer. After accepting the appointment, the personnel administration will send the applicant an order to conduct an examination for the health office - the health office at the place of residence is always responsible - together with a declaration that the costs will be covered.

Suitability of character (official certificate of good conduct):

A person may only be appointed to a civil service position if he or she can guarantee that he or she will at all times support the free and democratic constitutional order within the scope of German Basic Law, if he or she has the ability to hold public office, and if he or she is worthy of the dignity of office (this is not the case, for example, if he or she has a relevant final criminal conviction). For the purpose of verification, the personnel administration requires a current certificate of good conduct for official purposes. As a rule, this should not be applied for before the appointment is accepted.

Nationality (for civil service):

Only persons who are German or German citizens within the scope of Article 116 (1) of German Basic Law or who are citizens of another member state of the European Union or of another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or of a third country to which the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union have granted a corresponding right to recognition of professional qualifications by treaty may be appointed to a civil service position. If none of these prerequisites is met, an exception is only possible in a few cases.

If it is not possible to meet all the general requirements under civil service law, employment in a private-law employment relationship may be considered. The character suitability must be fulfilled in any case. Finally, the professional requirements for the specific position must also be met (requirements profile).

These requirements can be found in the respective job advertisement. The professional criteria are binding for the selection panel (appointment panel). However, the selection panel may specify the professional criteria in individual cases.

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