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International Postgraduate Programme MOSES

History of the ZESS Postgradute Program:

The ZESS Postgradute Programme is a continuation and fusion of the two former programmes IPP "Multi Sensorics" and MOSES hosted by the Center for sensor systems.
The International Postgraduate Programme (IPP) Multi Sensorics of the Center for Sensorsystems (ZESS) was funded in 2002 by DAAD and DFG. The IPP provided financial support to doctoral students, to supplement their normal grant. Such grants might be received from other institutions like the DAAD or the DFG. The DAAD, for instance, supports students from abroad, interested to conduct doctoral research in Germany. These students were normally selected in their home country and have to get permission from the German faculty or institute for a working place to obtain visa. In the context of the campaign „NRW-Forschungsschulen“ of  the state North Rhine-Westphalia, in the winter term 2008/2009 the Research School for „Multi Modal Sensor Systems for Environmental Exploration and Safety (MOSES)“ was opened.
MOSES is a high level project and research oriented postgraduate programme that qualifies for autonomous scientific work and professional activity in research and development. One of the main goals is to promote the participants to the German doctoral degree Dr.-Ing. or Dr. rer.nat. within a period of three years. MOSES offers research and education opportunities in all aspects of sensors, multi modal sensor systems, sensor data processing, multi sensor data fusion, data mining simulation and optimization of complex sensor systems with applications in nearly any scientific and technical field.
In the year 2011 the programme was extended by the ministry because of the excellent output achieved so far.
Seeking an optimal combination of doctoral training, scientific research and meeting the needs of industry, MOSES has been set up as a joint initiative of the network partners ZESS (Center for Sensor Systems, University of Siegen), Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR and the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE This network is augmented by a large consortium of industrial companies from all over Europe.

Fields of Research

  • Graphene-based Nanotechnology
  • In-situ 2D/3D-Exploration
  • TeraHertz Sensing and Imaging
  • Position and Attitude Determination, Localisation and Navigation
  • 2D/3D Remote Sensing with mono- and bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems (SAR)
  • Multimodal data fusion of remotely sensed and in-situ acquired sensor data
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Structural Health Monitoring and Safety Evaluation

Special Features/Structure of the Programme

Two supervisors for your research fields from the beginning on Additional courses Possibility for attending conferences Optional secondment at a Research School partner, external cooperation partner, or industrial company. Yearly presentations Intermediate exam for ensuring the progress of the PhD candidate

Regulations and Curriculum

Application Prerequistes

  • Excellent Master or Diploma degree in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Computer Engineerin       
  • Excellent Master or Diploma degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry may be elected, depending on study focus and individual educational background of applicant      
  • Excellent Bachelor degree holders can be elected, depending on quality of degree, educational background and study focus, but require additional qualifications which can be acquired in parallel by attending additional courses and passing the corresponding examination.
  • High Quality English language proficiency (TOEFL Test)

Application Procedure

  • CV, certificates, motivation letter, and 2 letters of recommendation
  • High potential candidates will be invited for an oral interview


 Executive Director MOSES


Dr.-Ing. Holger Nies

Telefon: +49 (0)2 71/7 40 - 27 59
Telefax: +49 (0)2 71/7 40 - 40 18 
e-mail: nies@zess.uni-siegen.de



Silvia Niet-Wunram

Telefon: +49 (0)2 71/7 40 - 34 00
Telefax: +49 (0)2 71/7 40 - 4018 
e-mail: niet@zess.uni-siegen.de
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