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For Technical and Administrative Staff

For technical and administrative staff, ATHENA offers a wide range of further training opportunities, the possibility of intercultural exchange, and the promotion of soft skills and language competence. All our staff members can work in a European context!

For questions and advice, please contact us by email at athena@uni-siegen.de

Erasmus+ staff mobility for Training

Techincal and administrative staff have the possibility to carry out a financially supported Erasmus+ staff mobility for training (STT). This includes activity formats such as job shadowing, participation in workshops and seminars, participation in language courses, etc.

General advice on staff mobility and the administrative procedure is provided by the International Office of the University of Siegen. ATHENA advises you on the various partner universities and supports you in establishing contact.

Exchange of best practices

Technical and adiministrative staff have the opportunity to exchange their knowledge with colleagues from the ATHENA partner universities and to learn from each other. This can be realised e.g. by mail or in a video conference. ATHENA advises you on the various partner universities and supports you in establishing contact.


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