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For Companies

ATHENA provides companies with access to a network of universities in nine different countries of Europe. On this page, we inform you about our current offers for companies.

Further information on cooperation opportunities can be found on the website of ATHENA European University.

  When? Where? What?
Praxis 24/7 praxisnetwork.eu The online platform Praxis allows companies to find highly qualified and internationally trained students for upcoming projects and internships. Read more...
SieguVer Event programme on the website of SieguVer Siegen and surroundings The initiative SieguVer connects international students and doctoral candidates at the University of Siegen with companies from the region. Read more...


Further education for managers and employees in companies

The further education offerings of ATHENA are aimed at executives and employees of companies. At nine different locations across Europe, ATHENA provides management workshops, MBAs, and technical training in various fields, both online and in-person.

Find out more about the further education offerings of ATHENA

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