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Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING


Materials Science & Engineering


Master of Science

More information

Program website

Language of instruction



Overview of dates and deadlines


The degree program

The consecutive master's degree program in materials science & engineering (MatWerk) teaches technical specialization and specializations of a preceding bachelor's degree program, so that the students will receive a reinforced scientific training in MatWerk. This means well-founded knowledge on mechanical, chemical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of materials, based on their atomic structure and the interrelations between manufacturer and processing, structure and properties of materials, up to macroscopic parts and considering aspects of environmental compatibility and sustainability.
The target of this degree program is the concurrent mediation of technical competences from the areas of material technology (engineering) and material science (natural sciences), which can only be studied separately of each in the majority of programs at other universities.


Structure of the degree program

Theoretical & experimental bases of materials science & engineering

1. + 2. semester

Compulsory modules: 3 compulsory modules

Additions to the theoretical & experimental bases

1. - 3. semester

Compulsory modules: 4 compulsory modules. If the student possesses an engineering background the additions will be in natural science, whereas students with a background in natural science get additions in engineering.

Specialization I

2. - 4. semester

Elective modules: The student picks 3 modules from the programs catalogue of available modules in natural science and/or engineering. Additionally, a module from the catalogue of cross-sectional subjects must be chosen.

Specialization II: Lab course, seminar, individual additions, and master thesis

2. - 4. semester

Compulsory module: Lab course and materials science seminar

Elective module: individual additions

Master thesis and talk


Admission requirements

  • A bachelor’s degree in engineering, natural science, materials science and engineering or a comparable degree program is required. The degree must have been awarded with a grade of 3.0 or better.
  • The aforementioned comparability is evaluated by the audit committee.
  • Knowledge of the German language.


Important information

To reinforce the theoretical material-sciences and material-technology knowledge, the program places its focus on seminar series and engineering as well as natural sciences technical labs and internships. An industrial internship is not planned.


Study organization

Examination regulations/ degree plan/ module manuals/ internship rules

Examination regulations (POs) specify the basic structures of a degree program (e.g. admission requirements and contents to be studied). Students are automatically subject to the current version of their PO when they matriculate for their first subject-related semester. This means that even if the PO changes during their studies, the original version according to which they matriculated will remain valid (provided that the PO does not expire).
The respective degree plan is the recommended example progress of the studies in individual subjects and is part of a PO.
Supplementary provisions and details for any module to be studied can be found in the module manually (e.g. requirements for taking a written test or content-related information on the modules/events, ...). The internship rules define the conditions under which the required or optional internships must be completed.
We recommend taking at least a look at the study schedule for your degree program before the lecture time starts, to ensure that you know which modules are intended for the start of your studies.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING
