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International Students

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
F-S 406

Before Arrival

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Studies in Siegen

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If you've applied for studying in Siegen successfully and you have got an admission, you have to register and upload your documents at unisono before your arrival. Please follow the instructions on your admission letter.  Please find further information here.

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Preparation of your studies

Prepare yourself as well as possible for your studies and your stay in Germany. There are many possibilities for this online. For example with the free course "How to study in Germany. An Introduction to German Academic Life.

Stay in Siegen

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Apply for a visa as soon as possible when you have received your admission. Check the information on visa regulations, documents and procedures provided by the Federal Foreign Office and the German embassy or consulate closest to you. Further Information

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Health Insurance

Insurance is compulsory in Germany. This means that every registered person must have health insurance. Usually the health insurance coverage from your home country is not valid here (unless you come from an EU or EEA country) and you must take out a health insurance here. Further Information

  • If you want to enrol as a student and are under 30 years old, you must take out statutory health insurance. You are free to choose your insurance; the contributions for students are the same everywhere.
  • If you start your language course first or if you are older than 30 years, it is necessary / better to take out private insurance. However, contributions and benefits can vary greatly. Therefore, make sure to contact insurance providers and compare insurance policies and costs.
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Once you receive your letter of admission, you should start looking for a residence as many students will need an accommodation at the same time. There are different possibilities in Siegen: student residences, shared flats, apartments etc. Further Information

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Before coming to Siegen, you should assure that you will be able to finance your living expenses, study fees and all other costs during your studies. Even though you are allowed to search for a students' job, your salary will not be sufficient to cover all your expenses. It is also quite difficult to get an internship, so you should have enough savings or financial support from your family. Further information

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What to pack

Do not forget to take important documents and other things that you will need for your enrollment and your start in Germany. Here, you can find a list of things you should not forget.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
International Students

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
F-S 406