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Moritz Everding has not only developed delicious chili sauces, but also created a product with social added value. As a social entrepreneur, he discovered his passion for social consumption during his business studies.

How did you come up with the idea to start SOCHILI?

I've always had the need to show that entrepreneurship can solve problems sustainably. After a year as a student in Mexico, where I got to know the culture and tried a lot of spicy food, my preference for chili sauces developed. The origin of my interest in social consumption is also due in part to my studies at the University of Siegen. At that time, I wrote my master's thesis in this area, and through that, I realized that consumption can do good and, of course, influences our purchasing decisions when I know there is a purpose behind it. With my growing interest in sustainable business during my studies, the idea of founding a company became more concrete: to create a chili sauce that solves a real problem. I founded SOCHILI to empower farmers in the global South, specifically in Senegal. This happens especially through the fact that with every purchase, something good is done: Each chili sauce enables a day of electricity in Senegal. This is tangible for consumers. The name SOCHILI is derived from "socially good," meaning the purpose is already in the name.

Is there a specific target group that you are targeting with your marketing?

Yes, there is. Over 5,000 sauces have been sold now. The target group mainly consists of people who have never consciously bought chili sauces before. These customers are convinced of the mission and want to support the social background. Afterwards, they continue to buy the sauce because they are also convinced of its taste. But I have also received feedback that the chili sauces were bought because of their appealing appearance.

How important are partners and co-founders to SOCHILI?

Extremely important. I founded it together with Torsten Schreiber, founder of Africa GreenTec. He supports me from Senegal with his network and access to the African continent. Even though I mostly operate alone operationally, I receive support from friends, especially at the beginning, you rely on the voluntary help of friends.

Was there financial support at the beginning of the founding?

Yes, at that time I received the founder grant and the NRW founder scholarship. In my opinion, the individual grants should be higher to push start-ups in Germany even more. With a grant of 1,000 euros gross per month, you can pay your rent, but otherwise, you are only helped to a limited extent, especially if you come from a permanent job.

What was the biggest challenge in founding SOCHILI?

The biggest challenge is that I am building a global company. I wasn't aware of that at the beginning. Just the fact that SOCHILI imports goods from Africa into the EU requires me to build expertise in the field of supply chain.

What goals would you still like to achieve?

Short-term, the goal is to successfully import the chilies from Senegal to Spain. There, the chilies are mixed into delicious sauces by our partner Carlos and his team in a professional production facility. Long-term, the goal is to anchor further value creation in Senegal.

What's your favorite way to eat your chili sauces?

There is no meal for me without chili sauce, unless it's something sweet. I especially like to eat it with a falafel bowl.

What advice would you give to students who are at the beginning of founding or thinking about founding?

Find a purpose! See what problem you can solve with your product or service, ideally in line with the UN's sustainability goals. A clear business concept, combined with sustainable impact, is crucial.

Here for the homepage of the start-up.

This portrait is based on an interview with Moritz Everding and was written by Antonia Blumberg and Moritz Everding.
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